
ANSYS Partnership Workshops and Training

The MIE Department has a partnership with ANSYS. This includes a large and diverse number of license seats for ANSYS software and a substantial training program to support usage.

One of the objectives of the partnership is to begin introducing advanced computational tools into our curricula, and specifically to the ME curriculum. Another goal is to provide more opportunity to students to become familiar with the proper use of these design tools (not just the software interface – you can learn that on your own). Furthermore, developing skills in using such advanced tools are a necessity for your Capstone Design course and experience.

To these ends, ANSYS personnel comes to campus to provide software introduction and training workshops for a limited number of faculty and students. In addition, the ANSYS personnel offer a seminar on a special topic open to all. The subjects covered in training sessions are ANSYS Design Modeler, ANSYS Meshing, ANSYS-Fluent Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ANSYS Mechanical (Finite Element Analysis – FEA). In addition access to periodic webinars are available periodically.

Contact Mr. Tyrone Schultz for information on training schedules.