How to Fund Your Sponsored Capstone Design Project
There are three methods of funding a sponsored Capstone Design Project, depending on whether or not the sponsor intends to take possession of the physical outcome and how the sponsor would like to handle the logistics.
Method #1
Sponsor wishes to take possession of the project outcome AND to be responsible for expenditures and logistics during its realization. Sponsor is directly responsible for all orders and expenses of the project.
Essential Details
- Based on project scope, Team and Sponsor will agree to deliverables with the approval of the Instructor of Record of the Capstone Course
- Sponsor controls project funds and ensures timely approval/action on Team’s requests.
- Defines methods and procedures to supply supporting funds directly to the project.
- Authorizes procedures once designated advisor approves the need for orders
- Typical expenditures handled by company procurement would include but are not limited to: equipment, materials, tools, outsourced labor and/or shop services, permits and safety items, team travel, miscellaneous other expenses, etc.
- A Team member will be assigned as a focal point to request funds per company procedures and account for project expenditures.
Method #2
Sponsor does NOT wish to retain possession of the project outcome.
The sponsor can fund the project through (electronically). To fund a specific team number, please select the correct “Ben Burns Capstone Team # Support Fund” on the menu, enter the amount, and complete the giving web form that will appear when you click on the "Add donation" button. After you have completd the form please remember to press "GIVE NOW" at the very end. Alternatively, the sponsor can send a check payable to:
LSU Foundation (with "Ben Burns Capstone Team # Support Fund" in the memo field)
LSU Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department
3261 Patrick Taylor Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Attention: Dr. Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos (Capstone Program Director)
Essential Details
- The LSU MIE Department will disseminate funds after approval by Instructor of Record of the Capstone Course and the MIE Department Chair to meet project needs.
- All Team purchases and expenditures will be handled through the LSU MIE Department: Dr. Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos (Capstone Program Director), 3621 Patrick F. Taylor Hall
- A Team member will be assigned as a focal point to account for project expenditures
- After the end of the project, any remaining funds will be used by the LSU MIE Department to support the Capstone Design program as needed.
Method #3
Sponsor wishes to take possession of project outcome but requires the LSU Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department to handle expenditures and logistics during its realization – A NO-OVERHEAD GRANT:
Sponsor delivers supporting funds payable to:
LSU Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department
3261 Patrick Taylor Hall, Baton Rouge, LS 70803
Attention: Dr. Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos (Capstone Program Director)
Essential Details
- Based on project scope, Team and Sponsor will agree to deliverables with the approval of the Instructor of Record.
- Signed scope and deliverables are routed through the LSU SPS system as a sub-account of LSU Proposal #36141
- Funds are placed in LSU Account 127406120
- LSU MIE Department will disseminate funds, after approval by LSU Instructor of Record of the Capstone Course and the MIE Department Chair, to meet project needs including but not limited to: equipment, materials, tools, outsourced labor and/or shop services, reimburse Team expenditures, etc.
- All Team purchases and expenditures will be handled through the LSU MIE Department: Dr. Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos (Capstone Program Director), 3621 Patrick F. Taylor Hall
- A Team member will be assigned as a focal point to account for project expenditures
- After the end of the project, any remaining funds will be used by the LSU MIE Department to support the Capstone Design program as needed.
Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, +1-225-578-5804