
FAFSA Reject Codes 2024-2025


Reject Code  Reject Reason Student Action
A Students taxes paid is greater than zero, and greater than or equal to a fixed percentage of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), but not equal to or greater than AGI.  Confirm or correct taxes paid and adjusted gross income. 
B Independent Student has unusually high number of family members.  Confirm or correct Student's Number of Family Members. 
C Student Spouse taxes paid is greater than zero, and greater than or equal to a fixed percentage of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), but not equal to or greater than AGI.  Confirm or correct taxes paid and adjusted gross income. 
D Parent has unusually high number of family members.  Confirm or correct Parents' Number of Family Members. 
E Parent taxes paid is greater than zero and greater than or equal to a fixed percentage of the AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI. Confirm or correct taxes paid and adjusted gross income. 
F Parent Spouse or Partner taxes paid is greater than zero and greater than or equal to a fixed percentage of the AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI.  Confirm or correct taxes paid and adjusted gross income. 
1 Provisionally Independent with unusual circumstance Determine the student's dependency status. If Independent, then make corrections to reflect this status. if dependent, then provide parental information. 
2 Student's SSN not in Social Security Administration's database Correct the Social Security number. If the SSN is already correct, contact the Social Security Administration to fix the error in its records. Then re-enter the SSN and submit as a correction for an updated SSA Match. 
3 Student's SSN match, but no name match Correct the student last name and first initial. 
4 Student's SSN match, but no date of birth match Correct the student's date of birth
5 Student SSN match with death indicator Contact the Social Security Administration to fix the error at SSA. Then re-enter name or date of birth and submit as a correction for an updated SSA Match. 
6 Mailing State is a foreign country, Country is blank Provide the Country code or update the Mailing State. 
7 Student citizenship status left blank and SSA did not confirm citizenship status or applicant reported not a citizen or eligible noncitizen Provide the citizenship status with the A-number if appropriate
8 Student's Taxes Paid is greater than zero and equal to or greater than AGI Correct student's taxes paid or AGI.
9 Student required fields left blank Provide answers to the missing student fields. 
10 Student's consent to retrieve and disclose FTI is "Not Granted" The student must provide consent to retrieve and disclose FTI data. 
11 Student's signature missing from PDF FAFSA form or FAFSA Submission Summary Signature correction must be made. 
12 Student's signature missing from online FAFSA Signature correction must be made.
13 An SAI cannot be calculated because the Department of Justice has placed a 'hold' on the student Student needs to call 202-377-4600 or email applicatoinprocessingdivision@ed.gov to resolve the issue. 
14 Dependency Model is Dependent AND Unsub Only is '1' Yes If parent data cannot be provided no change is required. Student will be eligible for unsubsidized loans. 
15 NSLDS Fraud Loan Flag is set indicating loan was obtained fraudulently Student needs to contact the lender and resolve issue to have the Fraud Loan Flag reset in NSLDS.
16 An SAI cannot be calculated because the Department of Education has placed an eligibility 'hold' on the student Student needs to call 202-377-4600 or email applicatoinprocessingdivision@ed.gov to resolve the issue. 
17 Independent student is married and Updated Family Size is less than 2 Correct the Student's Current Marital Status or Family Size.
18 Independent student is not married and Updated Family Size is less than 1 Correct the Student's Current Marital Status or Family Size.
19 Student spouse's SSN not in Social Security Administration's database Correct the student spouse's Social Security number.  If the SSN is already correct, contact the Social Security Administration to fix the error in its records. Then re-enter SSN and submit as a correction for an updated SSA Match. 
20 Student spouse's SSN match but no Name match Correct the student spouse's date of birth
21 Student spouse's SSN Match but no Date of Birth match Correct the student spouse's date of birth. 
22 Student Spouse's SSN match with Death Indicator Contact the Social Security Administration to fix the error at SSA. Then re-enter the student spouse's name or date of birth and submit as a correction for an updated SSA Match. 
23 Student's spouse's critical data not provided Provide answers to the missing student spouse fields.
24 Student spouse’s taxes paid greater than or equal to AGI  Correct student spouse’s taxes paid or AGI. 
25 Student spouse’s consent to retrieve and disclose FTI is “Not Granted”  The student’s spouse must provide consent to retrieve and disclose FTI data. 
26 Student spouse’s signature missing from PDF FAFSA form or FAFSA Submission Summary  Signature correction must be made on a printed FAFSA Submission Summary certification page and resubmitted to the FAFSA Processor or can be corrected electronically. 
27 Student spouse’s signature missing from online FAFSA  Signature correction must be made. 
28 Parent SSN was not matched with the Social Security Administration  Correct the SSN for the parent. Also review and correct the name and/or date of birth for parent spouse and/or parent to achieve a full match for at least one parent. 
29 Parent SSN match, but no name match  Correct the parent’s name. 
30 Parent SSN match, but no date of birth match  Correct the parent’s date of birth. 
31 Social Security Administration indicates the Parent is deceased  Contact the Social Security Administration to fix the error at SSA. Then re-enter name or date of birth and submit as a correction for an updated SSA Match.. 
32 Parent is married and Updated Family Size is less than 3  Correct the parent’s Current Marital Status or Family Size. 
33 Parent is not married and Updated Family Size is less than 2  Correct the parent’s Current Marital Status or Family Size. 
34 Parent’s critical data not provided  Provide answers to the missing parent fields. 
35 Parents’ taxes paid is greater than zero and equal to or greater than AGI  Correct the parents’ taxes paid or AGI. 
36 Parent’s consent to retrieve and disclose FTI is “Not Granted”  The student’s parent must provide consent to retrieve and disclose FTI data. 
37 Parent’s signature missing from PDF FAFSA form or FAFSA Submission Summary  Signature correction must be made.
38 Parent’s signature missing from online FAFSA  Signature correction must be made.
39 Parent Spouse or Partner SSN was not matched with the Social Security Administration Correct the SSN for the Parent spouse or partner. Also review and correct the name and/or date of birth for Parent spouse or partner.
40 Parent spouse or partner SSN match, but no name match Correct the Parent spouse or partner’s last name and first initial.
41 Parent spouse or partner SSN match, but no date of birth match Correct the Parent spouse or partner’s date of birth.

Social Security Administration Indicates the Parent Spouse or Partner is deceased

Contact the Social Security Administration to fix the error at SSA. Then re-enter name or date of birth and submit as a correction for an updated SSA Match.
43 Parent Spouse or Partner’s critical data not provided Provide answers to the missing Parent Spouse or Partner fields.
44 Parent Spouse or Partner's taxes paid is greater than or equal to AGI Correct Parent Spouse or Partner’s taxes paid or AGI.
45 Parent Spouse or Partner's consent to retrieve and disclose FTI is 'Not Granted" The student’s Parent Spouse or Partner must provide consent to retrieve and disclose FTI data.
46 Parent Spouse or Partner's signature missing from PDF FAFSA form or FAFSA Submission Summary Signature correction must be made.
47 Parent Spouse or Partner's signature missing from online FAFSA Signature correction must be made.
48 Student - No Match for Transunion TBD
49 Student- First/Last Name Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
50 Student - DOB Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
51 Student - Address Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
52 Student - Pending match for Transunion match TBD
53 Parent - No Match for Transunion match TBD
54 Parent - First/Last Name Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
55 Parent - DOB Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
56 Parent - Address Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
57 Parent - Pending match for Transunion match TBD
58 Parent Spouse or Partner - No Match for Transunion match TBD
59 Parent Spouse or Partner - First/Last Name Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
60 Parent Spouse or Partner - DOB Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
61 Parent Spouse or Partner - Address Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
62 Parent Spouse or Partner - Pending match for Transunion match TBD
63 Student Spouse - No Match for Transunion match TBD
64 Student Spouse - First/Last Name Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
65 Student Spouse - DOB Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
66 Student Spouse - Address Mismatch for Transunion match TBD
67 Student Spouse - Pending match for Transunion match TBD