Steps to Apply for Financial Aid
Step 1: Apply to LSU
You must first apply to LSU, before you can apply for financial aid.
Step 2: Complete the FAFSA Each Year
You must complete the for each academic year you would like to receive aid. To increase your chances of being considered for programs with limited funds, complete the FAFSA as soon after October 1 as possible. LSU's financial aid process begins with the summer term. The priorty deadline for completing the FAFSA is December 15 for the following academic year.
FAFSA Helpful Tips
- Read all instructions carefully
- To ensure consideration for all available programs, it is recommended to complete the FAFSA Application as early as possible.
- Be sure to review the information prior to submitting; ensuring the information is as accurate as possible.
- Provide only the information requested
- Use your legal name and correct social security number
- Include LSU’s FAFSA code of #002010 on your list of school codes
- If you complete the FAFSA electronically, you will need to create an FSA ID; both the student and parent will have separate FSA IDs
- Sections that refer to “you” or “your” are referring to the student, and those sections are yellow; sections for parents are purple
- If you were required to provide parental information, a parent is required to sign the FAFSA
- If your parents are divorced, you must use the information for the parent you lived with most in the past 12 months. If you lived the same amount of time with each divorced parent, give answers about the parent who provided more financial support during the past 12 months or during the most recent 12 months that you actually received support from a parent. If that parent is remarried, you must also include the stepparent’s information and income
- Make a copy of your completed FAFSA for your records
Step 3: Complete Verification
Once completing the FAFSA, you will need to verify your financial aid application is complete by providing additional information or documentation. All requested verification documents must be completed before being awarded a financial aid package. It is imperative to respond quickly to any requests for additional information.
Verification with the FAFSA
The FAFSA is processed by the Central Processing System (CPS) and generates a printed Student Aid Report (SAR). The following are some helpful hints to ensure you have a valid SAR:
- Review the SAR for accuracy
- If corrections are required revisit the and select "make corrections to a processed FAFSA"
- If you do not receive an email directing you to your SAR within four weeks of completing your FAFSA, contact the CPS at 1-800-433-3243 to check the status of your application
Verification with LSU
Based on your responses to the questions on the FAFSA, our office may need additional information to validate your financial aid application. If additional information is requested, you will receive an email from our office indicating the item(s) needed to complete your file. Additional information requests can be found on by clicking on financial services, financial aid, and verification documents or your admissions portal. All of LSU's verification documents can be found at
How to Submit Verification
Please visit submit documents for more information.
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