
Verification Frequently Asked Questions

What is verification?
Verification is the process of confirming the accuracy of data reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is accurate.

How do I know if I was selected for verification?
You will receive notification from our office through your myLSU or admissions portal if your application has been selected for verification.

How do I complete the verification process?
The requirements needed to verify your application will be listed under financial services, financial aid, and verification documents in your myLSU or admissions portal. Our office will use the documents you submit to confirm that the information you provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is correct. Any errors and/or omissions will be corrected and resubmitted to the federal processor. You will be notified electronically of any corrections to your FAFSA through a subsequent FAFSA transaction. Your financial aid eligibility will not be determined until you have completed the verification process. In the event that you have already been awarded financial aid and are subsequently selected for verification, you will be notified of any changes made to your application or financial aid awards.

Am I eligible for financial aid if I do not complete the verification process?
If you do not complete the verification process, you are not eligible for any Federal Title IV financial aid or any other types of aid that are contingent upon receipt of such assistance.

When do I need to complete the verification process?
The verification process must be completed prior to crediting financial aid to your student account. The priority date to submit verification documents to receive financial aid for the Fall semester is June 15th and November 15th for the spring semester. The deadline to submit verification documents is three weeks prior to the last day of class each semester.

What does a referral to the Office of Inspector General mean?
If we suspect that a student, employee or other individual has misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds, the office will report its suspicions and provide any evidence to the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education.

How do I submit verification documents? 
We are able to accept documents for Financial Aid & Scholarships by:

  • In Person: You may drop documents off in person to our front counter staff in the lobby of Pleasant Hall during our normal business hours, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Mail:  The documents may be mailed to,
    Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
    Pleasant Hall
    Baton Rouge, LA 70803
  • Upload Tool: You may upload the documents by clicking the Submit Document.