Fellowships are an essential source of funding designed to help graduate students
meet their educational and research expenses. The Graduate School awards the Dissertation
Fellowship, Huel D. Perkins Doctoral Fellowship, the Southern Regional Education Board
(SREB) Fellowship , and the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Emerging
Voices Fellowship. Other fellowships are awarded institutionally by academic college
and department committees, while external agencies award others. Learn more about
fellowships awarded by the Grad School and external fellowships below.
In addition to the possibility of getting funded, the fellowship application process
itself can be an important experience in your academic and professional development.
It will help you learn to articulate "your case" in a convincing way, including presenting
your credentials, goals for study and research, and letters of recommendation. Fellowship
applications can also serve as a personal progress check for your graduate career,
helping you identify areas that should be enhanced or developed.
Info Ready Portal
The InfoReady System allows for access and submission of:
petitions for a student to hold a Graduate Assistantship while on probation
submission of applications for graduate student awards
fellowships and additional compensation requests
submission of requests for non-Graduate Faculty members to serve on a student's committee
nominations to the Graduate Faculty as an Affiliate (Research and/or Professional)
All nominations must be submitted by the department using our online system. Nominating
department’s internal deadline for nominations will be earlier. It is to the applicant’s
advantage to submit materials for this fellowship as early as possible. Departments
must evaluate and select the top nominations for submission to the Graduate School.
The Dissertation Year Fellowship is a competitive Fellowship that is awarded to high-achieving
PhD/Doctoral candidates who are in their final academic year of study.
The goal of the Fellowship program is to award high-achieving PhD/Doctoral candidate
with an academic year Fellowship that allows the student to focus completely on writing
and defending a dissertation or doctoral project that is of the highest quality.
Therefore, the Dissertation Year Fellowships provide a stipend, tuition exemption,
and non-resident fee waiver, if applicable, to students to complete their dissertations.
We are currently calling for applications for awards that will support research during
Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.
The deadline for nominations from the department is generally in early Spring.
Interested students should contact their departments in the Fall to find out more
information about the submission process.
Departments can access the most updated deadlines our
Students receiving this fellowship must meet the standards established by the Graduate
School. These include a cumulative LSU Graduate GPA 3.5 or greater.
At the time of application, student must have already passed a Graduate School milestone
exam (general defense, comprehensive exam, or specialty exam) and, if applicable,
completion of an approved prospectus in your Department.
The required milestone exam form must be submitted to the Graduate School prior to
the student starting the Fellowship.
Stipend = $25,000. The award is valid for the contract period or until student graduates,
whichever is shorter.
The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time graduate student in a degree program,
and must make satisfactory progress to continue in the award.
Students must maintain full-time (9 hours in Fall and Spring) enrollment in dissertation
credits or a combination of dissertation hours and other coursework associated with
the Practicum/Internship and /or their chosen Minor to receive the award.
Recipients are exempt from resident tuition, associated fees, and non-resident fee
(if applicable) depending on appointment dates. Students must be full time enrolled
and on the fellowship on or before the last day to add courses to receive these exemptions.
The student may not hold any other graduate fellowship or award. Other campus employment
is prohibited.
Teaching is not allowed while on this fellowship.
Must devote full time to the completion of their degree.
Any exception to these requirements must be approved by the Office of the Dean of
the LSU Graduate School or higher campus authority.
The LSU Pinkie Gordon Lane Graduate School Future Scholars Initiative aims to remove
barriers to graduate education while providing holistic support and resources essential
for the successful completion of doctoral and professional programs. This premier
initiative seeks to produce the next generation of highly-trained professionals, scientists,
engineers, and scholars from economically disadvantaged and historically underserved
backgrounds, who will become leaders within academia, industry, non-profit, and governmental
Monthly Personal and Professional Development
Mentorship Networks including Faculty, Graduate Students,
Undergraduate Students, and Sector Professionals
Individual Development Plan
Annual Intensive Summer Bootcamps
Doctoral Career Exploration
The deadline for nomination from the students is generally in early Spring.
The Graduate School will deploy a messaging and reply process within Slate by which
all applicants to all degree programs will be informed about the Future Scholars opportunity.
Students receiving this fellowship must meet the standards established by the Graduate
School. These include:
A cumulative LSU Graduate GPA 3.0 or greater
Departmentally provided graduate assistantship
Domestic or permanent residency
STEM discipline
Linkage to Louisiana
Doctoral student
Student must have a Graduate Assistantship
Stipend: Scholars receive $14,000 per year in addition to the graduate assistantship financial
The is to promote the benefits of a masters degree within industry. GEM Fellows are provided
practical engineering summer work experiences through an employer sponsor and a portable
academic year fellowship of tuition, fees, and a stipend.
helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in
the United States and reinforces its diversity. The program recognizes and supports
individuals who have demonstrated the potential to be high achieving scientists and
engineers early in their careers, who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral
degrees in STEM fields at accredited, non-profit United States institutions of higher
Fellows share in the prestige and opportunities that become available when they are
Fellowships provide the student with a three-year annual stipend of $37,000 along
with a $12,000 cost of education allowance for tuition and fees (paid to the institution).
Access to opportunities for professional development available to NSF-supported graduate
Students receiving this fellowship must meet the standards established by the Graduate
School. These include a cumulative LSU Graduate GPA 3.5 or greater.
At the time of application, student must have already passed a Graduate School milestone
exam (general defense, comprehensive exam, or specialty exam) and, if applicable,
completion of an approved prospectus in your Department.
The required milestone exam form must be submitted to the Graduate School prior to
the student starting the Fellowship
Proposals are usually due to the National Science Foundation in mid-October; however,
the Graduate School urges interested students to visit the for up-to-date information about submission deadlines.
The Graduate School also encourages interested students to visit the LSU Discover website for up-to-date information about eligibility, deadlines, and LSU support.
A research proposal must be submitted directly to the National Science Foundation
The Graduate School encourages interested students to visit the LSU Discover website for information about eligibility and a listing of LSU-sponsored workshops to help
you write a competitive proposal.
Huel D. Perkins Fellowships are intended to support LSU’s goal of increasing a more
engaged student body who earn PhD/Doctoral degrees. The Fellowship provides four years
of funding at $25,000 per year and carries a tuition and non-resident fee waiver.
Stipend: $25,000 (12 month)
The Fellowships can be continued for up to four consecutive years if funding is available.
Departments should plan to continue Fellowships from other funding sources for students
who take longer than four years to complete their terminal degree.
Students are exempt from tuition, associated fees, and non-resident fees (if applicable).
Students cannot hold other graduate fellowships, assistantships, or awards while on
this fellowship. However, Perkins Fellowships can be supplemented by the department.
Fellows are appointed on a fiscal-year basis and must enroll as a full-time student
for Summer as well as for Fall and Spring semesters.
The deadline for nominations from the department to be received by the Graduate School
is generally in early Spring.
Departments can access the most updated deadlines our InfoReady Award Portal.
All nomination materials must be submitted via our InfoReady Award Portal.
Admission Eligibility Requirements
Students must meet the standards established by the Graduate School:
U.S. Citizenship
Must have an overall undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0. [This GPA is calculated based
on the GPA earned at ALL undergraduate institutions that the nominee has attended.]
A member of a historically underrepresented group. These groups are African Americans,
Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, US Pacific Islander, and first-generation
college student from low-income families.
Strong letters of recommendation from persons knowledgeable of the nominee’s academic
Students must be an entering doctoral student at the time of the award.
Note: LSU Masters students who are transitioning to PhD/Doctoral programs in the same
academic Department are NOT eligible.
Continuing Eligibility Requirements
Students must meet the following requirements:
Must remain in good standing in the Graduate School and at LSU.
Must maintain a semester AND an overall LSU graduate GPA of 3.0 or above.
Cannot hold other appointments or be otherwise employed while holding a Perkins Fellowship.
Must maintain full-time status in the Fall (9 hours), Spring (9 hours), and Summer
(6 hours).
Must enroll in at least 6 hours of graduate work in the Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Must make satisfactory progress toward doctoral degree.
including meeting GPA requirements listed above;
meeting Departmental and Graduate School deadlines for submission of degree documents
(for example, exam requests, proposals, programs of study); and
completing the General Defense (formerly known as the General Exam) by the end of
the sixth regular semester of enrollment.
Must submit an annual progress report to gradawards@lsu.edu prior to the last day
of classes in the Spring semester.
If for any reason a Fellow does not fulfill the above requirements, the fellowship
will be terminated and the student may owe the University a portion of the tuition
and fees for that current semester. The repayment of any charges will be based on
the refund schedule as published in the registration booklet each semester.
The nomination package has three components:
The student’s statement of interest (available as part of the applicant’s graduate
application in Slate)
Letter of recommendation from a faculty member from the applicant’s undergraduate
institution who has first-hand knowledge of the student’s potential that should be
pulled from the student’s graduate application (available as part of the applicant’s
graduate application in Slate)
Nomination letter from the Chair of Department to which the student is applying explaining
the student’s academic and non-academic strengths and how this student will contribute
to the diversity of the program, in particular, Department Chairs should include demographic
data about the diversity of their current PhD/Doctoral program (Note: not all graduate
programs in the Department; limit demographic data to the Department’s PhD/Doctoral
Departments must submit candidates for consideration. Departments with up to 50 Ph.D.
students can submit two (2) nominations; those with 51-100 Ph.D. students can submit
three (3) nominations, and those with more than 100 Ph.D. students can submit four
(4) nominations.
A multi-discipline review committee will review nominations and select Fellowship
recipients based on the following considerations:
Academic and non-academic strengths and achievements
The extent to which to applicant contributes to the diversity of the graduate program
The nominee’s personal statement of their expectations for graduate study and future
career goals.
SREB Fellowships are intended to support the LSU and national goal of increasing the
number of PhD candidates, who seek careers as faculty on college campuses, by enhancing
the representation of underrepresented groups on college campuses.
Stipend: up to $25,000 (12 month)
with $10K from Board of Regents, $10K from Graduate School and $5000 from Department
in the form of a 25% GA appointment.
The SREB award is for three years, if funding is available.
The award is valid for the contract period or until the student graduates, whichever
is shorter.
Students are exempt from tuition, associated fees, and non-resident fees (if applicable).
Students should hold a departmentally supported 25% FTE graduate assistantship while
on this fellowship
The deadline for nominations from the department is generally in early Spring.
Interested students should contact their departments in the Fall to find out more
information about the submission process.
Departments can access the most updated deadlines our InfoReady Award Portal.
Fellows are appointed on a fiscal-year basis and must enroll as a full-time student
for Summer as well as for Fall and Spring semesters. While a tuition exemption is
provided for both resident tuition and non-resident fees, students are responsible
for paying any other applicable University fees. SREB Fellowships can be supplemented
by the department. The Fellowships can be continued for up to three consecutive years
if funding is available; departments should plan to continue Fellowships from other
funding sources for students who take longer than three years to complete their terminal
Each student (up to two (2) fellowships awarded) will receive a stipend of $10,000
per year from the Louisiana Board of Regents. This stipend amount is comparable to
other fellowship stipends offered at LSU and by our peer institutions and is necessary
to remain competitive with other universities.
Additional Support Cost:
The LSU Graduate School will provide a $15,000 per year enhancement to each of the
two fellowships as institutional match . This raises the actual stipend level to $25,000
per year. This stipend level ($25,000) matches the general range of stipends provided
by our peer institutions in the U.S.
Other Educational Cost:
Tuition exemptions will be provided as institutional match at the rate of $10,930
per year per student
Other Support - SREB Membership:
Each student receives the benefit of membership at $5,000 each in the Southern Regional
Educational Board Doctoral Scholars Program. As members of this group, each student
receives a web page in the Doctoral Scholars Program website, counseling and mentoring
from members of the SREB, travel support and assistance with other areas of life as
a doctoral student.
Students also attend the annual meeting of The Compact for Faculty Diversity as part
of the Annual Institute on Teaching and Mentoring. This interaction with other scholars
from across the nation, faculty sponsors, and recruiters provides significant support
for the completion of the doctorate and subsequent employment.
Other Support - Faculty Mentor Attendance at Institute:
Student support is supplemented in year one in the amount of $2,500 to enable the
primary faculty mentor for each SREB scholar to attend the Institute at least once
during the student’s tenure. While funds for this purpose must be budgeted in the
first year of the award, they may be carried over if the faculty mentor prefers to
attend in the second or third year. To serve as primary mentor, the faculty member
must attend the Institute during the student’s BoRSF funding period.
Admission Eligibility
Candidates must be a:
Newly entering doctoral student or doctoral student entering their second semester.
U.S. Citizen or U.S. National
Member of a historically under-represented group in graduate schools
Continuing Eligibility
Must remain in good standing in the Graduate School.
Must maintain a 3.0 overall and semester GPA.
Students are appointed on a fiscal-year basis and must enroll for summer as well as
fall and spring semesters.
Must maintain full-time status in the Fall (9 hours), Spring (9 hours), and Summer
(6 hours) terms.
While a tuition exemption is provided for both resident tuition and non-resident fees,
students are responsible for paying applicable University fees.
Must make satisfactory progress toward a doctoral degree.
The term “satisfactory progress” includes maintaining semester and cumulative grade
point averages of at least 3.0 and meeting the appropriate deadlines for submission
of degree documents such as programs of study, exam requests, etc.
Must provide one semester of teaching services as determined by his/her graduate advisor/department.
Must have one semester of a significant community engagement component as determined
by the LSU Graduate School Dean/mentor.
Must schedule a meeting with the Dean of the Graduate School and/or his/her designee
at least annually to discuss progress.
Must email an annual progress report (narrative) to gradawards@lsu.edu. This report
is due by the last day of class (as determined by the University Calendar) spring
semester. Further details of this report will be included in the letter of agreement.
Must notify the Dean of the Graduate School of any changes that may affect eligibility.
If for any reason a Fellowship recipient does not fulfill the above requirements,
his/her fellowship will be terminated and the student may owe the university a portion
of the tuition charges for the current semester. The repayment of any charges will
be based on the refund schedule as published in the registration booklet each semester.
The student’s statement of interest (available as part of the applicant’s graduate
application in Slate)
Letter of recommendation from a faculty member from the applicant’s undergraduate
institution who has first-hand knowledge of the student’s potential that should be
pulled from the student’s graduate application (available as part of the applicant’s
graduate application in Slate).
Nomination letter from the Chair of Department to which the student is applying explaining
the student’s academic and non-academic strengths and how this student will contribute
to the diversity of the program, in particular, Department Chairs should include demographic
data about the diversity of their current PhD/Doctoral program
(Note: not all graduate programs in the Department; limit demographic data to the
Department’s PhD/Doctoral program).
Departments must submit candidates for consideration. A selection committee appointed
by the Dean of the Graduate School will review nominations from departments and select
recipients based upon the following considerations:
Academic and non-academic strengths and achievements.
The extent to which the student contributes to the diversity of the graduate program
and the field of study.
Applicant’s personal statement of their expectations of graduate study.
ORED has several databases where students can learn about funding opportunities, including
the SPIN Grants database.
The offers information on more than 10,000 fellowship opportunities, which are all accredited
by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
The typically focuses on grants, but this database does offer information on some fellowships.
The offers information on more than 1,000 fellowships.
The allows users to search for research and academic fellowships, organizational fellowships
and project-based fellowships, all having to do with public service legal opportunities.
Select the Explore Advise tab to learn how to use the site to search for fellowship
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