Ogden Honors College
May 2024 Graduation Program
May 16, 2024
7:00 p.m.
LSU Union Theater
Welcome & Remarks
Roger Hadfield Ogden Dean Jonathan Earle
Recognition of Honors College Graduating Seniors
honors college recognitions and requirements
Ethan Clay Acosta
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Robert Martin Alleva
B.A. Political Science
Nadia Epps Alzoqari
B.A. Geography
Lane Samuel Amedio
B.S. Microbiology
Kaitlyn Alyse Andre
B.S. Biological Sciences
Kacy Erin Askew
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Lily Beasley
B.A. English
Samantha Bell
B.S. Biological Sciences
Piper Grace Bellcase
B.S. Entrepreneurship
Lauren Emily Bergeron
B.S. Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Brenna Marie Biernacki
B.S. Animal Sciences
Sophia Catherine Boudreaux
B.S. Kinesiology
Margaret Annie Bruchhaus
B.S. Biochemistry
Jacob Nicholas Buckley
B.A. History; B.A. Political Science
Marandy E Burrow
B.S. International Trade and Finance; B.I.S. Interdisciplinary Studies
Darby Campbell
B.S. Leadership & Human Resource Development
Reece Davidson Carpenter
B.A. Philosophy
Ryan Christian Castellon
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Kennedy Jane Cook
B.S. Biological Sciences
Camille Burnside Coreil
B.S. Biological Sciences
Katherine Ann Crisp
B.S. Biological Sciences
Benjamin Davidson
B.S. Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Samantha Tyesha Davis
B.S. Psychology; B.A. Communication Disorders
Cara Dean
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Marie-Pascale Delahoussaye
B.S. Natural Resource Ecology & Management
Matthew Thomas Delatte
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Emily Michelle DeMeulenaere
B.S. Biological Sciences
Mary Rose Desautels
B.S. Kinesiology
Dariah Rose Deskins
B.S. Kinesiology
William Alexander Devlin
B.S. Psychology
Sydney Lee Dodd
B.S. Animal Sciences
Harper Doerr
B.A. Sociology; B.A. Political Science; B.A. Philosophy
Amari Dorsey
B.S. Kinesiology
Kathryn Grace Draughon
B.S. Marketing
Jackson A Dunham
B.S. Biological Sciences
Emily Frances Dwyer
B.S. Biological Sciences
Sherry Grace Dymond
B.S. Biological Sciences
Calvin William Feldt
B.S. Computer Science
Ria Ferdaus
B.S. Psychology; B.S. Biological Sciences
Elliot David Fontenot
B.S. Computer Science
Jackson Bradley Gaspard
B.S. Economics
Andrew Isom Gawarecki
B.A. English
Morgan Alexandra Groce
B.S. General Business
Rachel Marie Guarisco
B.S. Biological Sciences
Allison Jane Hamilton
B.S. Biological Sciences
Lucy Marie Hansen
B.A. Political Science
Charles Douglas Hearne II
B.S. Physics
Emily May Howard
B.A. Political Science; B.A. Art
Madelyn Howell
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Tucker Elliot Hysom
B.S. Marketing
Anna Marie Johnson
B.S.B.E. Biological Engineering
Blaze M Jones
B.S. Biological Sciences
Zoe Rose Kapsack
B.A. Political Science
Jihad Eyad Khaled
B.S. Biological Sciences
Nicole Ashley Krueger
B.S. Kinesiology
Courtney Alexis Lair
B.S. Biological Sciences
Khanh Le
B.S. Marketing
Kiah Kelilah Lewis
B.F.A. Studio Art
Gavin Louviere
B.S. Kinesiology
Jarrod Payton Lowe
B.S. Finance
Melanie C Lutfallah
B.S.I.E. Industrial Engineering
Valerie Angelina St Julien Macedo
B.S. Biological Sciences
Abigail T Machaj
B.S. Animal Sciences
Jett Manley
B.S. Biological Sciences
Madisyn Paige Gilbert McCarthy
B.S. Animal Sciences
Jessica B Michelet
B.A. Sociology; B.A. English
Allyson Mohanty-Aldana
B.S. Biological Sciences
Lillian Moreau
B.S. Computer Science
Yousef Mosleh
B.S. Biological Sciences
Linden Munsell
B.S. Kinesiology
Hira Muzaffar
B.S. Biological Sciences
Elena Nikolaychuk
B.S.B.E. Biological Engineering
Amirah Linton Olajuwon
B.S. Marketing
Emily Elizabeth OQuin
B.S. Biological Sciences
Aliya White Pasquale
B.S. Marketing
Abihail Patrick
B.S. Biological Sciences; B.S. Psychology
Celeste Aimee Patron
B.S. Biochemistry
Dytia Patterson
B.S. Biological Sciences
Kennedy Rene' Payne
B.S. Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Scarlett Pazzi
B.S. Marketing
Emma Peairs
B.S.C.E.S. Coastal Environmental Science
Noah Pictor
B.A. History; B.A. Philosophy
Grant Michael Ponthie
B.S. Biological Sciences
Greyson H Powell
B.S. Finance
Colin M Raby
B.S.M.E. Mechanical Engineering
Colette Rainey
B.S. Chemistry
Adam Joseph Richards
B.A. English
Hope Caroline Robinson
B.A. International Studies
Tabony Rock
B.A. International Studies and Political Science
Alexander Jacob Rodriguez
B.S. Entrepreneurship
Jose J Rojas-Iracheta
B.S. Biochemistry
Alejandra Soo Sadeghi-Moon
B.S. Psychology
Ellen Elizabeth Sedlacek
B.L.A. Landscape Architecture
Jaden Nicole Sharp
B.S.I.E. Industrial Engineering
Amelia Michelle Skinner
B.S. Chemistry
Dejha Smith
B.A. Philosophy
Jade Imani Smith
B.A. Political Science and Sociology
Elizabeth Mary Steindorf
B.S. Chemistry
Claire Judith Sullivan
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Gianna B Thornhill
B.A. Spanish
Kennedy Trahan
B.S. Biological Sciences
James Etta Trammell
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
Jack Rayford Urbanek
B.S. Finance
Damla Ustunsoz
B.S. Biological Sciences
Davis B Wadle
B.S. Accounting
Andrew Joseph Walker
B.A. Political Science; B.A. Philosophy
Sarah Elizabeth Way
B.S. Biological Sciences
Cartie Whitelaw
B.A. Sociology
Joseph A Wilder
B.A. Theatre
Anabelle Alexis Acosta
B.S. Biochemistry
“Regulation of Normal and Aberrant Heterochromatic Gene Silencing in Yeast”&Բ;
Professor David Donze
James Anderson
B.S.C.E.S. Coastal Environmental Science; LASAL Scholar
“Hurricanes and Harmful Algal Blooms: Assessing the Legacy P Role in Linking These
Events through a Lake Pontchartrain Case Study”&Բ;
Professor John R. White
Amalia F Arriola
B.A. Anthropology; B.S. Biological Sciences
“Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants: The Effects of Gardening on Mental and Physical
Associate Professor Helen Regis
Caleb Joseph Bielkiewicz
B.S.M.E. Mechanical Engineering
“Rear Sprocket Torque Analysis of 6-Seater Bike for LSVI”&Բ;
Instructor Salar Saadatian
Miles Gryphin Casey-Flores
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Identification of Possible Regeneration Enhancer Sequences in Polypterus senegalus by ATAC Sequencing”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Igor Schneider
Amie Aja Cemalovic
B.A. Sociology and Philosophy; LASAL Scholar
“Emotions as Effects of Anomie in Baton Rouge's 311 Flooding and Drainage Service
Assistant Professor Kevin Smiley
Sylas L Fontenot
B.A. International Studies; B.A. Philosophy
“Translingual Subjectivities: Universalism, Particularism, and Pragmatics”&Բ;
Associate Professor Touria Khannous
Mia Flower Foster
B.S. Biological Sciences
“A New Species of Mantophryne (Anura: Microhylidae) from Goodenough Island, Papua New Guinea”&Բ;
Professor Christopher Austin
Xochitl Gonzalez
B.S. Biochemistry
“I’m Just a Girl in this Copepod World: Sex-Based Differences in Tigriopus californicus”&Բ;
Associate Professor Morgan Kelly
Maia Elise Jackson
B.S. Biological Sciences
“The Effects of Ethanol Preservation on High-Molecular Weight DNA”&Բ;
Associate Professor Brant Faircloth
Katherine Keating
B.A. Art; B.A. Philosophy
“Scartata: A Philosophical Graphic Novella, Written and Illustrated by Kat Keating”&Բ;
Professor Darius Spieth
Ethan Presley Kennedy
B.A. Political Science; B.A. History
“To Speak the Truth: An Analysis of Jury Selection and Composition in East Baton Rouge
Associate Professor Christopher Sullivan
Simone Elisabeth Koskie
B.S. Textiles, Apparel & Merchandising
“Stitching Sustainability: A Brief Analysis of Reducing Environmental Impact and Designing
Assistant Professor Sibei Xia
Vivian Celing Liu
B.S. Information Systems and Decision Sciences
“Summertime Precipitation Anomalies Near Industrial Facilities Along the Lower Mississippi
Assistant Professor Paul Miller
Leslie Claire Martin
B.S. Entrepreneurship
“Corporate Entrepreneurship in Louisiana and How the Entrepreneurial Spirit Remains
Throughout Generations”
Professor Edward Watson
Camille Anastasia McGarvey
B.S.M.E. Mechanical Engineering
“The Effects Bound Powder Extrusion and Direct Metal Laser Sintering Have on the Mechanical
Properties of 17-4 Stainless Steel”&Բ;
Professor Dimitris Nikitopoulos
Alaine Monae Mitchell
B.S. Biological Sciences
“The Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure on Macrophage Response to Respiratory Viral
Associate Professor Antonieta Guerrero-Plata
Piper Naudin
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
“The Association Between Background and Political Opinions in Chinese Students at
Professor Robert Mann
Marcelle Marie Pitre
B.L.A. Landscape Architecture
“South Lafourche: Resilient, Resurgent, Renewed”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Haley Blakeman
Ria Nina Salway
B.S. Biological Sciences; LASAL Scholar
“Analyzing Population Structure and Shell Color across Populations of the Intertidal
Snail, Nucella lamellosa”&Բ;
Associate Professor Morgan Kelly
Reetu Shrestha
B.S. Biological Sciences; B.S. Nutrition and Food Sciences
“Phenotypic Evolution Due to Divergence Adaptations Found in SBW25 and PBR716 Pseudomonas fluorescens”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Jiaqi Tan
Molly Giles Brewer
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
“Media Content Analysis Comparing Coverage of Proposed Title IX Changes to Include
Transgender Athletes”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Fanny Ramirez
Jeffrey William Decker
B.S. Psychology
“The Spatiotemporal Architecture of Statistical Learning”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Christopher Cox
Zoe Dickson
B.F.A. Studio Art
“Life's Cadence”&Բ;
Professor Richard Doubleday
Madelyn Yvonne Hathcock
B.S.Ev.E. Environmental Engineering
“Treatment of Produced Water Recovered from Saltwater Disposal Wells for Hydrogen
Professor John Pardue
Mckenzie Claire Hervey
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
“Unveiling the Cycle: Breaking Menstrual Taboos through Education and Equity”&Բ;
Senior Instructor Sadie Wilks
Joel Keller
B.S. Mathematics
“A GUI For Electromagnetics in Layered Media”&Բ;
Professor Stephen Shipman
Emily G Lindsay
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
“The Impacts of Social Media and Clothing Companies Portrayal and Influence on Female
Body Image”&Բ;
Assistant Professor William Mari
Catherine Tomoko Poss
B.A. International Studies
“Capitalism's Dual Crisis: Labor and Climate Under the Capitalist Growth Regime”&Բ;
Associate Professor Wonik Kim
Michal Alexis Sextion
B.A. English
“Putting Form in Performance: An Analysis of Ntozake Shange’s for colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf”&Բ;
Associate Professor Angeletta Gourdine
Kayla Gabrielle Williams
B.A. Communication Disorders
“Understanding Social Participation in Aphasia: Surveying Individual Perspectives
Across WHO-ICF Domains”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Bijoyaa Mohapatra
Allyssa N Veney
B.A. English
“Mixed Feelings: Complexities of Race, Romance and Religion in Medieval Texts”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Richard Godden
Cade Michael Acosta
B.S. Marketing; B.S. Management
“Bistro Mélange Business Plan”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Nawar Chaker
Allison Cherie Allsop
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication; B.A. Political Science
“Case Studies on The State of Journalism in Louisiana”&Բ;
Professional-In-Residence Christopher Drew
Stephanie Armond
B.S. Physics
“Quantitative Comparison of TDDFT-calculated High Harmonic Generation Yields in Ring-shaped
Organic Molecules”&Բ;
Professor Mette Gaarde
Chesani Ann Askew
B.A. Political Science
“‘Just One Simple Question: How Do We Protect Her?’: The Role of State Governments
in Preventing Female Murders by Intimate Partners”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Anna Gunderson
Daniela A Azevedo
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Predicting Antibiotic Resistance in Recreational Areas”&Բ;
Associate Professor Crystal Johnson
Jack Bryant Bedell
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Development of a 3D-Printed Device to Study How Bacteria Alters the 3D Migration
of Breast Cancer Cells”&Բ;
Associate Professor Naohiro Kato
Jacie Leigh Bellina
B.A. History; B.A. Political Science
“Pirates, Popular Culture, and Historical Perception of the Golden Age of Piracy:
The Evolution of the Image of Piracy”&Բ;
Professor Gaines Foster
Blake Louis Bollinger
B.S. Computer Science; B.S. Mathematics
“From Authenticity to Abandonment: A Case Study on the Decline of BeReal”&Բ;
Associate Professor Anas Mahmoud
Colette Cordelia Matheson Campbell
B.A. History
“Clare of Assisi as a Maternal Figure for Franciscan Women”&Բ;
Associate Professor Sherri Johnson
Micayla Rayann Carter
B.S. Psychology
“Associations of ADHD Symptoms, Anxiety Symptoms, and Executive Functions in College-Age
Associate Professor Matthew Calamia
Naomi Cates
B.S. Biological Sciences
“High-throughput Method for Identifying Pathogenicity Genes in Fungal Plant Pathogen
Rhizopus stolonifer Using dsiRNAs”&Բ;
Associate Professor Vinson Doyle
Elizabeth Celeste Cavell
B.A. Political Science
“The Politics of Non-State Provisioning in the Middle East and North Africa”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Lindsey Pruett
Charlotte Chehardy
B.S. Finance
“A Review of American and European Central Banks and How They Shape and Strengthen
the Financial System of the Western World”&Բ;
Senior Instructor Lewis Buckner Kilbourne
Meredith Ashton Clark
B.S. Marketing
“Learning to Lead with AI: Equipping Executives for the Future of Business”&Բ;
Senior Instructor Aaron Gleiberman
Rachael Noel Coates
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Integrated Microfluidic and Molecular Approach to Understanding Cancer Progression
and Metastasis”&Բ;
Professor Todd Monroe
Emily Courtney
B.S. Biological Sciences; B.A. French
“Effective Method for Green Chemical Extraction of Fucoxanthin and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
from Microalgae, Fistulifera solaris”&Բ;
Associate Professor Naohiro Kato
Nathaniel Dela Peña
B.A. History; B.A. Political Science
“An Exploration of the Political Diversity within the National Committee for a Free
Assistant Professor Susan Grunewald
Isabella Marie DeMaio
B.A. Sociology; LASAL Scholar
“Incarcerated Work Programs and Jobs: A Qualitative Analysis of the Construct of Employment
in Prison and the Experiential Effect on the Reentry Process”&Բ;
Instructor Danielle Thomas
Ryan Michael DePriest
B.A. History; B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
“Carnival of Light: The Beatles and the Counterculture”&Բ;
Professor Meredith Veldman
Francis Vu Dinh
B.Arch. Architecture
“Hephaestus I”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Paul Holmquist
Myrissa Eisworth
B.A. Sociology; B.A. Anthropology; LASAL Scholar
“Comparative Analysis of Two Methods for Quantifying Rape Culture”&Բ;
Instructor Danielle Thomas
Jillian Blair Elliott
B.A.M.C. Mass Communication
“Made in Louisiana”&Բ;
Professional-In-Residence Cindy Carter
Samuel Johnson Elliott
B.S. Microbiology
“Relationship Between Soil Fungal Endophytes and Phragmites australis”&Բ;
Associate Professor Vinson Doyle
Conrad J Foreman
B.M. Music
“An Analysis of Mean Dreams”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Brian Nabors
Miscia Fortna
B.S. Physics
“On the Creation of a Novel Mouse Positioning System”&Բ;
Professor Wayne Newhauser
Jonah Lewis Foster
B.L.A. Landscape Architecture
“The Pines: Reimagining Sport Complex Design around Sustainability and Regenerative
Assistant Professor Haley Blakeman
Mia G Fraser
B.S.C.E.S. Coastal Environmental Science
“Major Nurdle Spills Underscore the Need for a Legal Framework to Prevent Future Discharges
in the State of Louisiana, USA”&Բ;
Professor Mark Benfield
Elanor Lucia Fuller
B.S. Biological Sciences; B.A. Liberal Arts
“Phylogeography of Psychotria viridis, A Primary Component of Ayahuasca”&Բ;
Associate Professor Laura Lagomarsino
Kennedi George
B.S. Psychology
“Verdicts in Color: Evaluation of the Impacts of Racial Resentment on Juror Decision-Making”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Vanessa Burke
Caitlyn Gilliam
B.A. Theatre
“Immersive Theatre and The Value of Experience: The Sustainability of Live Theatre
in Today’s Entertainment Industry”&Բ;
Associate Professor Shannon Walsh
Natalia Andreina Gomez
B.Arch. Architecture; LASAL Scholar
“Beyond the Boundary: Envisioning the Future of Urban Planning in U.S.-Mexico Border
Assistant Professor Fabio Capra-Ribeiro
Josephine Hanegan
B.A. English; B.A. Anthropology
“Jesmyn Ward's Novels: Language, Education, and Diversity in the Contemporary South”&Բ;
Professor Brannon Costello
Hiba Azeem Hasan
B.S. Microbiology
“Identification of Oxytocin and Oxytocin Receptor Expressing Cells in the Mouse Retina”&Բ;
Professor Ryoichi Teruyama
Jack Hamilton Henry
B.A. Political Science
“Traversing the Depths of Politics and History in Renaissance Florence: Leonardo Bruni,
Machiavelli, and the Medici”&Բ;
Professor James Stoner
Isabella M Hommel
B.A. Political Science; B.A. Spanish
“The Need for Civic Engagement and Religious Mores in American Democracy”&Բ;
Professor James Stoner
Chloe Caroline Johnson
B.S. Textiles, Apparel & Merchandising
“Geoffrey Beene: A Study of Curatorial Practice and Implementation”&Բ;
Associate Professor Michael Mamp
Harper Grey Gregory Juge
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Creating a Streamlined Bioinformatics Pipeline to Compare Protein Structures and
Generate De Novo Peptide Constructs”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Alyssa Johnson
Benjamin Klein
B.S. Biological Sciences
“The Involvement of Oxytocin Receptor Neurons in the Anteroventral Periventricular
Nucleus during Pup Retrieval by Male Mice”&Բ;
Professor Ryoichi Teruyama
Katy Anne Knecht
B.S. Chemistry
“Synthesis and Characterization of Potential Copper and Cobalt Electrocatalysts for
the Aqueous Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrite”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Noemie Elgrishi
Darrin Michael Lea
B.S. Computer Science; B.S. Mathematics
“Threat Modeling Industrial Control Systems”&Բ;
Professor Golden Richard III
Anna Christine Leyrer
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Impact of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals on the Integrity of the Airway
Professor Stephania Cormier
Mary E Logiudice
B.S. Kinesiology
“The Effects of Continuous, Low-dose Neutron Radiation Exposure during Gestation on
the External Morphology and Development of the Mouse Fetus at Day 18 of Development”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Heather Allaway
Kenedi Iyana Lynch
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Operation Brainstorm: Cerebellar Cytokine Expression in House Sparrows during Acute
Malaria Infection”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Christine Lattin
Nicole Marie Mann
B.A. International Studies; B.A. Political Science
“Navigating Waves of Change: The Neoliberal Turn and Its Impact on Latin America's
Socioeconomic Landscape”&Բ;
Associate Professor Wonik Kim
Corinne Marie Martin
B.S.B.E. Biological Engineering
“Characterization of a Custom Capacitive Sensor Array for a Force-Sensing Mouthguard”&Բ;
Professor Chandra Theegala
Aidan Elizabeth McDonald
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Pyridopyrimidine Inhibitors of Biotin Carboxylase: Kinetic and Antibacterial Properties”&Բ;
Professor Grover Waldrop
Noah McKinney
B.A. English; B.A. History
“Divine Gambits & Southdown Blues”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Ariel Francisco
Mary Jett McLarty
B.A. International Studies
“The Importance of Reform Efforts: An Analysis of the Impact of Reform Efforts Following
an Authoritarian Regime on Current Incarceration Habits - A Study of Mexico, Germany,
Russia, and Japan”&Բ;
Associate Professor Leonard Ray
Peyton Wheeler Meares
B.S. Chemistry
“Regioselective alpha-Difunctionalization of Cyclopentanones with Indole”&Բ;
Professor Rendy Kartika
Leilani Metcalf
B.A. History and International Studies
“Feminist Frenzy to Fractured Failure: The Codification and Stagnation of Women’s
Rights within the German Civil Code in Imperial Germany and its Relationship to Early
German Feminism, 1871-1918”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Susan Grunewald
Daniel Paul Metzger
B.L.A. Landscape Architecture
“Rockford Station Park”&Բ;
Professional-In-Residence Joni Hammons
Ella Marie Millet
B.A. Theatre (Performance); B.A. Theatre (Theatre Studies)
“Producing Panic: The Melodramatic Conventions of Moral Panics”&Բ;
Associate Professor John Fletcher
Michaela Minge
B.S. Animal Sciences
“Analysis of Digestibility of Shrimp Shell Waste Product in Cattle”&Բ;
Professor Cathleen C. Williams
Antavion Moore
B.A. Political Science; B.A. Music; LASAL Scholar
“An Examination of the Variation in COVID-19 Relief Fund School Spending on Online
Resources/Capabilities Among Rural and Urban Public School Districts in Louisiana”&Բ;
Associate Professor Belinda C. Davis
Grant Muslow
B.S.Comp.E Computer Engineering; B.S. Computer Science
“Heat Map Overlay and Bluetooth LE Multilateration Using Augmented Reality”&Բ;
Professor Shuangqing Wei
Elizabeth Claire Noel
B.A. Spanish; B.S. Biological Sciences
“Love in Miguel de Cervantes’ “La española inglesa”: The Primacy of the Soul and the
Necessity of the Body”&Բ;
Associate Professor Carmela Mattza
Ranna Okeil
B.S. Economics; B.S. Mathematics
“Oil Production and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Louisiana”&Բ;
Associate Professor Daniel Keniston
Ella Jane Otken
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Set1 Lysine Methyltransferase Activity is Required for Extended Heterochromatic Silencing
in Yeast rpd3 Mutants”&Բ;
Professor David Donze
Nicole Phillips
B.A. History; B.A. Philosophy
“Girlhood Online: Catholicism, Suffering, and Femininity on Social Media”&Բ;
Associate Professor Sherri Johnson
Gigi Gabrielle Powers
B.A. Political Science
“The Clash of Values: Understanding Attitudes Toward Due Process Protections for Sexual
Assault Cases on College Campuses”&Բ;
Professor James Garand
Joseph Prude
B.A. Political Science
“We Love It When a Plan Comes Together: Gerrymandering and Republican Overrepresentation
in Congress”&Բ;
Instructor William Blair
Bruce Quach
B.S. Computer Science
“Location Privacy Violations from SVM Classifications - An Android Recording Application
Assistant Professor Chen Wang
Christopher Patrick Reso
B.S. Chemistry
“Bimetallic Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Louis Haber
Alyson P Rivers
B.S. Psychology
“Suicide Safety Planning Specialization for Sexual and Gender Minorities”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Ryan Hill
Erinn Marie Roblee
B.S.B.E. Biological Engineering
“Investigation of Cell Viability Analysis for 3D Cell Culture Utilizing alamarBlue”&Բ;
Professor Todd Monroe
Jared Rodrigue
B.S. Biological Sciences
“The Role of the SP1/KLF Transcription Factor Huckebein in Drosophila Neuronal Development”&Բ;
Associate Professor SeYeon Chung
Lucas William Rot
B.S. Natural Resource Ecology & Management; B.S.C.E.S. Coastal Environmental Science
“Effects of Patch Size and Avian Community Composition on Amazonian Rainforest Soundscapes”&Բ;
Professor Phil Stouffer
Jacob Ari Roubein
B.A. History
“How Medieval Christian Antisemitic Tropes Are Being Utilized by Hamas Against Israel
and Jewish People”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Maria Rethelyi
Amy Ruckman
B.A. English; B.I.S. Interdisciplinary Studies
“Embodying Bodily (Il)Legibility: Disability, Gender, and Futurity in George Dibdin
Pitt’s Algernon the Blind Guide and Belinda the Blind”&Բ;
Associate Professor Chris Barrett
Bridget Seghers
B.I.S. Interdisciplinary Studies; LASAL Scholar
“Developing Correction Models for the Effect of Lipid Content on Stable Isotope Values
in Invasive Silver Carp Tissues”&Բ;
Associate Professor Michael Polito
Steven Richard Seiden
B.S. Computer Science
“Tapping IPAs: An Automated Analysis of iPhone Applications Using Apple Silicon Macs”&Բ;
Professor Ibrahim Baggili
Anne Sheehan-Dean
B.A. Political Science; B.A. History and Liberal Arts
“Imprisoned for Self-Defense: Criminalized Survivors in Louisiana”&Բ;
Associate Professor Catherine Jacquet
Mina Sheikh
B.S. Biological Sciences
“Bacteria-Induced Internal Egg Hatching in Caenorhabditis elegans”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Fan Zhang
Bailey Marie Shoulders
B.S. Psychology
“The Effect of Musical Experience on Lexical Tone Perception Efficiency of Non-tonal
Language Speakers”&Բ;
Professor Janet McDonald
Lilly Camille Small
B.S.W. Social Work
“The Effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis and Other Interventions on Autism
Spectrum Disorder and Parental Stress Levels: A Review of the Literature”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Jahanna Bailey
Nils Henrik Sommerfeld
B.S. Physics
“Statistical Analysis of Stochastically Generated Free Electron Laser Pulses”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Francois Mauger
Sydney A Sorbet
B.M. Music; B.A. Music
“Bon Appétit!: Lee Hoiby, Julia Child, the Use of Text Painting, and the Process of
Producing the Show”&Բ;
Professor Lori Bade
Victoria M Staid
B.Arch. Architecture
“Sea Level Rise Adaptation Analysis for Miami, Florida Considering Community Engagement”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Traci Birch
Margaret Stewart
B.S. Computer Science
Associate Professor Qingyang Wang
Jacob Germain Stocks
B.A. Sociology; B.A. Political Science
“The Role of Social Media, Complex Social Systems, and Authoritarian Attitudes in
Political Socialization”&Բ;
Senior Instructor Skylar C. Gremillion
Anna Catherine Strong
B.A. Political Science; B.A. Screen Arts; LASAL Scholar
“Athena and Barbie: Identity 2500 Years Apart”&Բ;
Alumni Professor Cecil Eubanks
Amjad Abdulrahman Thaljeh
B.S. Biochemistry
“Preparation of 3 Bacterial Polysaccharides with Tumor Therapeutic Activity and Studies
for Carbohydrate Composition Analysis by Gas-Liquid Chromatography”&Բ;
Professor Roger A. Laine
Janea Jessamine Thibodeaux
B.S. Psychology
“Evaluating Preference for Feedback Frequency and its Relation to Task Performance”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Samuel Morris
Emma Katherine Thigpen
B.A. History
“The First English Divorce: The Scandalous Story of Lord and Lady Roos”&Բ;
Professor Victor Stater
Olivia Reece Trejo
B.S. International Trade and Finance
“Antitrust Analysis of Multisided Platforms: An Updated Survey with Case Application
to Amazon”&Բ;
Assistant Professor Philip Marx
Gabriele M Troxclair
B.A. Sociology
“DEI in SEC Schools: University Websites, State Legislation, and DEI Professional
Associate Professor Mark Schafer
Andres Vasquez
B.A. Political Science (American Government & Politics and Comparative Government
& Politics)
“Support for Autocrats During Democratic Backsliding”&Բ;
Associate Professor Yann Kerevel
Rachel L Wall
B.S. Kinesiology
“The Effects of 12-weeks of Aerobic Exercise on Biomarkers of Neutrophil Function
in Colorectal Cancer Survivors”&Բ;
Associate Professor Guillaume Spielmann
Mackenzie Weeks
B.S. Biological Sciences
“The Investigation of the Mechanism Responsible for Different Signals Across Codon
Positions in the Phylogenetic Analysis of HIV”&Բ;
Professor Jeremy Brown
Dylan Michael White
B.A. History; B.A. Liberal Arts
“‘Gay Pride is Growing’: Creating Le Beau Monde in Rural Louisiana”&Բ;
Associate Professor Catherine Jacquet
Dustin Wleczyk
B.S. Computer Science
“Development of the Game Kingdom of Life on Roblox”&Բ;
Associate Professor Qingyang Wang
Yu Yang
B.M. Music
“Social Support, Mentorship, and Performance Anxiety: Perspectives of Current LSU
Music Performance Undergraduate and Graduate Students”&Բ;
Associate Professor Kamile Geist
Presentation of Awards
Roger Hadfield Ogden Dean Jonathan Earle