
Dr.  Patrick  McGee 

Read Professor  - English

PhD: Ph.D., Literature, University of California at Santa Cruz

Phone: (225) 578-2475

E-mail: pmcgee@lsu.edu

Office: 245B1 Allen

Area of Interest

Critical Theory and Cultural Studies; Film Studies; Irish Studies; Modernism; Romanticism

Awards & Honors

2003 LSU Distinguished Research Master, 2004
LSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2003
Regents Research Grant, Spring 2003
Manship Summer Grant, 2002
Tiger Athletic Foundation Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 2001
LSU Research Council Summer Grant, 1994
LSU Research Council Summer Grant, 1992
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend,1988
Fulbright Graduate Research Grant for France 1982-1983  

Selected Publications


1. Paperspace: Style as Ideology in Joyce's “Ulysses”.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988.  
2. Telling the Other: The Question of Value in Modern and Postcolonial Writing.  Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.
3. Cinema, Theory and Political Responsibility in Contemporary Culture.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
4. Ishmael Reed and the Ends of Race.  New York: St. Martin's, 1997.
5. Joyce beyond Marx: History and Desire in “Ulysses” and “Finnegans Wake.”  The Florida James Joyce Series.  Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2001.
6. From “Shane” to “Kill Bill”: Rethinking the Western.  Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
7. Theory and the Common from Marx to Badiou.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

8. Bad History and the Logic of Blockbuster Cinema.  New York: Palgrave Macmillam, 2012.


A. Published
1. “Gender and Generation in Faulkner's 'The Bear',” The Faulkner Journal 1 (1985): 46-54.
2. “Joyce's Nausea: Style and Representation in 'Nausicaa',” James Joyce Quarterly 24.3 (1987): 305-18.  
3. “Ulysses as Commodity,” The James Joyce Literary Supplement 1 (1987): 9-10.  
4. “Theory in Pain,” Genre 20.1 (1987): 66-84.  
5. “Truth and Resistance: Teaching as a Form of Analysis,” College English 49.6 (1987): 667-78.  
6. “Is There a Class for This Text?: The New Ulysses, Jerome McGann, and the Issue of Textual Authority,” Works and Days 5.2 (1987): 27-44.
7. “Joyce's Pedagogy: Ulysses and Finnegans Wake as Theory.”  Coping with Joyce: Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium.  Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock.  Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1989.  Pp. 206-19.
8. “Reading Authority: Feminism and Joyce,” Modern Fiction Studies 35.3 (1989): 421-36.  
9. “Woolf's Other: The University in Her Eye,” Novel 23.3 (1990): 229-46.
10. “The Error of Theory,” Studies in the Novel 22.2 (1990): 148-62.
11. “Texts Between Worlds: African Fiction as Political Allegory.”  Decolonizing Tradition: New Approaches to Twentieth-Century British Literary Canons.  Ed. Karen Lawrence.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992.  Pp. 239-260.
12. “The Politics of Modernist Form, or, Who Rules The Waves?” Modern Fiction Studies 38.3 (1992): 631-650.
13. “Decolonization and the Curriculum of English.”  Race, Identity, and Representation in Education.  Ed. Warren Crichlow and Cameron McCarthy.  New York: Routledge, 1993.  Pp. 280-288.
14. “When Is a Man Not a Man? or, The Male Feminist Approaches 'Nausicaa'.”  Joyce in the Hibernian Metropolis: Essays from the 1992 Dublin Symposium.  Ed. Morris Beja and David Norris.  Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1996. Pp. 122-27.
15. “'Heavenly Bodies': Ulysses and the Ethics of Marxism.”  A Companion to James Joyce's “Ulysses”: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism.  Ed. Margot Norris.  New York: St. Martin's, 1998.  Pp. 220-38.
16. “Masculine States and Feminine Republics: Finnegan's Wake as Historical Document.”  Joyce: Feminism / Post / Colonialism.  European Joyce Studies 8.  Ed. Ellen Carol Jones.  Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 1998.  Pp. 261-87.
17. “Machines, Empires, and the Wise Virgins: Cultural Revolution in 'Aeolus'.”  â€śUlysses”: En-Gendered Perspectives.  Ed. Kimberly J. Devlin and Marilyn Reizbaum.  Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1999.  Pp. 86-99.
18. “Terrible Beauties: Messianic Time and the Image of Social Redemption in James Cameron’s Titanic.”  Postmodern Culture 10.1 (1999): 45 pars.
19. “Humpty Dumpty and the Despotism of Fact: A Critique of Stephen Howe's Ireland and Empire.”  Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies 7.2 (2003): 50 pars.
20. “Errors and Expectations: The Ethics of Desire in Finnegan's Wake.”  James Joyce and the Difference of Language.   Ed. Laurent Milesi.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.  Pp. 161-79.

21. "The Communist Flaneur, or Joyce's Boredom.  Joyce, Benjamin, and Urbanism.  European Joyce Studies 21.  Ed. Maurizia Boscagli and Enda Duffy.  Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011.


1. “Joyce and Postcreation.”  Rev. of Genèse de Babel: Joyce et la crĂ©ation, by Claude Jacquet et al.  The James Joyce Literary Supplement 1 (1987): 14-15.  
2. Rev. of Peculiar Language: Literature as Difference from the Renaissance to James Joyce, by Derek Attridge.  James Joyce Quarterly 26.1 (1988): 129-137.
3. “Three Critics and Twelve Apostles.”  Rev. of Joyce's “Ulysses”: The Larger Perspective, ed. Robert D. Newman and Weldon Thornton.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 2.2 (1988): 2-3.
4. Rev. of Reauthorizing Joyce, by Vicki Mahaffey, and Joyce and the Law of the Father, by Frances Restuccia.  Genre 22.3 (1989): 315-21.
5. “Joyce and Poststructuralism.”  Rev. of The French Joyce, by Geert Lernout.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 5.1 (1991): 14-15.
6. “Feminist Text / Feminist Countertext.”  Rev. of Textualizing the Feminine: On the Limits of Genre, by Shari Benstock.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 6.1 (1992): 8-9.
7. “Joyce in History.”  Rev. of James Joyce's Ireland, by David Pierce.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 6.2 (1992): 33-34.
8. “Joyce Superhero or The Other Penelope.”  Rev. of Joyce's Web: The Social Unraveling of Modernism, by Margot Norris.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 8.1 (1994): 19-20.
9. “Exorcising Modernism.”  Rev. of  The Ghosts of Modernity, by Jean-Michel RabatĂ©.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 11.2 (1997): 5-7.
10. “Art for the Sake of a Sale.”  Rev. of Art for Art’s Sake and Literary Life: How Politics and Markets Helped Shape the Ideology & Culture of Aestheticism, by Gene Bell-Villada.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 13.1 (1999): 18-19.
11. “Common, All Too Common.”  Rev. of Who Reads “Ulysses”? The Rhetoric of the Joyce Wars and the Common Reader, by Julie Sloan Brannon.  James Joyce Literary Supplement 18.1 (2004): 6-8.


1. Rev. of Post-Structuralist Joyce, ed. Derek Attridge and Daniel Ferrer.  Genre 18.2 (1986): 193-6.
2. “The Sexuality of Reading.”  Rev. of The Virgin Text: Fiction, Sexuality, and Ideology, by Jon Stratton.  Novel 22.2 (1989): 244-46.
3. Rev. of A Constant Journey: The Fiction of Monique Wittig, by Erika Ostrovsky.  L'Esprit createur 22.2 (1992): 107-108.
4. Rev. of James Joyce, Authorized Reader, by Jean-Michel Rabate, and Wandering and Return in “Finnegans Wake”: An Integrative Approach to Joyce's Fictions, by Kimberly J. Devlin.  The Yearbook of English Studies 24 (1994): 319-320.
5. Rev. of  Joyce, Race, and Empire, by Vincent J. Cheng, and Joyce and the Invention of Irish History: “Finnegans Wake” in Context, by Thomas C. Hofheinz.  The Yearbook of English Studies 27 (1996): 313-14.


1. “Gesture: The Letter of the Word.” Critical Essays on James Joyce's “Ulysses”.  Ed. Bernard Benstock.  Boston: G. K. Hall, 1989.  Pp. 304-26 (from Paperspace).
2. “The Politics of Modernist Form, or, Who Rules The Waves?” Virginia Woolf: An MFS Reader.  Ed.  Maren Linett.  Johns Hopkins University Press, forthcoming


1. "Savage Ontology: Spinoza, Blake, Hugo, Joyce, Lawrence and Other Politcal Monsters." (a book project)