"[CLCWeb] publishes scholarship in the widest definition of the discipline of comparative literature and culture and [...] combines traditional comparative literature with comparative cultural studies." (University of Alberta)
"The Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature is an on-line journal whose purpose is to make available in a timely fashion reviews of new books in the field."
“Connotations (E-ISSN 2626-8183) encourages scholarly communication in the field of literature in English (from the Middle English period to the present). It is an international, peer-reviewed journal which focuses on the semantic and stylistic energy of the language of literature in a historical perspective and aims to represent different approaches.”
“Critical Inquiry is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best critical thought in the arts and humanities. Founded in 1974, it has been called “one of the best known and most influential journals in the world” (Chicago Tribune) and “academe’s most prestigious theory journal” (New York Times).”
"Founded in 1971, Diacritics publishes original work in and around critical theory, broadly conceived. Diacritics offers a forum for thinking about contradictions without resolutions; for following threads of contemporary criticism without embracing any particular school of thought."
“As the annual publication of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), the bilingual journal Recherche littéraire / Literary Research is an Open Access journal published by Peter Lang. Its mission is to inform comparative literature scholars worldwide of recent contributions to the field.”
“New Literary History focuses on questions of theory, method, interpretation, and literary history. Rather than espousing a single ideology or intellectual framework, it canvasses a wide range of scholarly concerns.”
“For more than thirty years, Philosophy and Literature has explored the dialogue between literary and philosophical studies. The journal offers fresh, stimulating ideas in the aesthetics of literature, theory of criticism, philosophical interpretation of literature, and literary treatment of philosophy.”
Post-Scriptum: “What is basically the postscript? A PS, note added at the end of a letter, usually after the signature, an addition, as if, in the very body of the letter, of the text, something had been forgotten or rather, something was not there its place, and that despite everything it had to be pointed out, added... Something like a reminder, a message added at the end, which must not be forgotten, which must present itself, show itself, under the name of the who writes, who is attached to this one, to this one, by the writing of two letters, P & S.” (Tr. from French)
10) (French language)
“Après l'intertextualité qui visait à sortir le texte de son autonomie supposée et lire en lui la mise en Å“uvre d'autres textes préexistants, le restituant à une chaîne d'énoncés ; après l'interdiscursivité qui saisissait que l'unité est constituée des multiples discours que ramasse et traverse le texte ; voici l'intermédialité qui étudie comment textes et discours ne sont pas seulement des ordres de langage, mais aussi des supports, des modes de transmission, des apprentissages de codes, des leçons de choses.”
“The Yale Journal of Criticism publishes works of interest to readers in the humanities, irrespective of field or period, including scholarly articles, original art, review essays, polemical interventions, and conference and symposium papers. The journal engages in current methodological debates in literature, history, philosophy, popular culture, and the visual arts.”
“With a firm commitment to interdisciplinary exchange, Eighteenth-Century Life addresses all aspects of European and world culture during the long eighteenth century, 1660-1815. The most wide-ranging journal of eighteenth-century studies, it also encourages diverse methodologies--from close reading to cultural studies--and it is always open to suggestions for innovative approaches and special issues.”
“Eighteenth-Century Studies is committed to publishing the best of current writing on all aspects of eighteenth-century culture. The journal publishes different modes of analysis and disciplinary discourses that explore how recent historiographical, critical, and theoretical ideas have engaged scholars concerned with the eighteenth century. Eighteenth-Century Studies is the official publication of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS).”
“Since its inception in 1940, the Journal of the History of Ideas has served as a medium for the publication of research in intellectual history that is of common interest to scholars and students in a wide range of fields. JHI defines intellectual history expansively and ecumenically, including the histories of philosophy, of literature and the arts, of the natural and social sciences, of religion, and of political thought.”
“The Lion and the Unicorn, an international theme- and genre-centered journal, is committed to a serious, ongoing discussion of literature for children. The journal's coverage includes the state of the publishing industry, regional authors, comparative studies of significant books and genres, new developments in theory, the art of illustration, the mass media, and popular culture.”
“Founded in 1982, Literature and Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarship that explores representational and cultural practices concerning health care and the body. Areas of interest include disease, illness, health, and disability; violence, trauma, and power relations; and the cultures of biomedical science and technology and of the clinic, as these are represented and interpreted in verbal, visual, and material texts.”
“Modernism/modernity focuses on the methodological, archival, and theoretical approaches particular to modernist studies. It encourages an interdisciplinary approach linking music, architecture, the visual arts, literature, and social and intellectual history.”
“MFS publishes theoretically engaged and historically informed articles on modernist and contemporary fiction. The journal's substantial book review section keeps readers informed about current scholarship in the field. MFS alternates general issues with special issues focused on individual novelists or topics that challenge and expand the concept of "modern fiction."”
“One of the earliest journals on the Internet, Postmodern Culture (PMC) started as a groundbreaking experiment in scholarly publishing. It has become a leading electronic journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures. PMC offers a forum for commentary, criticism, and theory on subjects ranging from identity politics to the economics of information.”
“Speculum, an English-language quarterly founded in 1926, was the first journal in North America devoted to the Middle Ages. It is open to contributions in all fields and methodologies studying the Middle Ages, a period that ranges from approximately 500 to 1500. The journal welcomes scholarship that takes a global approach as well as articles that bridge disciplines and appeal to a broad cross section of medievalists. European, Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew, and Slavic studies are included.”
21) (covers 1954-1974)
Studies in the Renaissance, covers Renaissance and Early-Modern studies from 1954-1974
- (covers 1967-2018)
Renaissance Quarterly covers Renaissance and Early-Modern studies from 1967-2018.
- (covers 1948-1966)
Renaissance News covers Renaissance and Early-Modern studies from 1948-1966.
“SPOLIA was devised by a group of scholars who are working at different university research projects. The site intends to provide updated information on medieval studies, but does not claim to be complete, as this would be very difficult even for a bulletin dealing exclusively with bibliographical information. On the contrary, the contributions is characterized by their peculiarity, as reflections in the margins of the individual collaborators' research, and is strictly specialized. In this way we hope to give prominence to information which is normally less valued.”
“arcadia is a biannual peer-reviewed international, intercultural and interdisciplinary journal that welcomes reflexive and informed comparative and critical approaches to literary works, films, theatre plays, to social, political, cultural, visual and media phenomena, to translations, literary and cultural migrations and transfers as well as to theoretical, methodological and philosophical questions. It publishes contributions in German, English, and French from all over the world and keeps its pages open to a broad variety of theories and methods.”
24) (Spanish Language)
“Exemplaria Classica welcomes original articles and notes that make a significant contribution to the study of Classical Philology in the fields of manuscripts, history of texts, textual criticism, editorial technique, editions and commentaries, and textual tradition on Greek and Roman authors.”
25) (French Language)
“Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique appliquée is an academic journal devoted to literary semiotic research. Published at the Department of French Studies of the University of Toronto, the review appears in print and on the World Wide Web. Scholarly contributions are invited.”
26) (has expanded into “Dante Notes”; the most recent work on EBDSA is here)
“The Electronic Bulletin of the Dante Society of America was founded in 1995 in the hope of offering, on the distant models of the Bulletino della Società Dantesca Italiana (1889-1921) and of the Giornale Dantesco (1893-1940), an opportunity for the publication of brief notes (1,500 words or fewer) concerning any and all matters relating to the study of Dante.”
- “With the launch of Dante Notes in January 2016, the EBDSA has changed the publication process and added new capabilities. Dante Notes is a web space in which are featured current and engaging research and pedagogy projects related to Dante. In keeping with the original mission of the EBDSA of America, and widening it to include a distinct pedagogical section and one devoted to essays by students, this new venue hosts vetted projects and essays for a period of one year, ensuring additional prominence and immediate availability to the readership."
“Glossen is a peer reviewed, bi-lingual, German-American scholarly journal on literature, art, and culture in the German-speaking countries after 1945. Glossen has been published since 1996. It contains scholarly articles, original literary texts in German or in English, images, audio, and video representations. The journal appears usually two times per year and encourages contributions of scholarly and creative nature which take advantage of the online format.”
“More than one hundred twenty-five years ago, MLN pioneered the introduction of contemporary continental criticism into American scholarship. Since then, its reputation for high standards and excellent quality has continued and grown. Critical studies in the modern languages are featured in four issues (Italian, Hispanic, German, French) and recent work in comparative literature provide the foundation for the articles and notes in MLN.”
“The Canadian Review of Comparative Literature [is] published on behalf of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association / Association Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (CCLA/ACLC), the CRCL/RCLC is providing a forum for scholars engaged in the study of literature from both an international and an interdisciplinary point of view.”
“Founded in 1963, Comparative Literature Studies publishes critical comparative essays on literature, cultural production, the relationship between aesthetics and political thought, and histories and philosophies of form across the world. Articles may also address the transregional and transhistorical circulation of genres and movements across different languages, time periods, and media.”
"Comparative Criticism is an annual journal of comparative literature and cultural studies that has gained an international reputation since its inception in 1979. It contains major articles on literary theory and criticism; on a wide range of comparative topics; and on interdisciplinary debates. It includes translations of literary, scholarly and critical works; substantial reviews of important books in the field; and bibliographies on specialist themes for the year, on individual writers, and on comparative literary studies in Britain and Ireland."
32) (now houses the archives of New Comparison (1986-2003))
“The British Comparative Literature Association, in the light of the unprecedented changes that the world is undergoing, and affirming that the discipline of comparative literature is predicated on the breaking down of the borders between literatures and cultures, invites reflections and engagement with what it is to live in the age of confinement.”
“Papers on Language and Literature is committed to publishing rigorous scholarship. PLL has always sought to break through boundaries and barriers. Since its inception, it has been a truly—and uniquely—generalist publication that has transcended the notion of a national literature. In keeping with new scholarly and pedagogical developments, PLL is looking at once to broaden and to loosen up the definition of language and to include in it the languages of film, print culture, translation, and digital humanities.”
“The Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (ISSN: 0252-8169) is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by Vishvanatha Kaviraja Institute of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, India since 1977. The Institute was founded by Prof. Ananta Charan Sukla (1942-2020) on 22 August 1977 coinciding with the birth centenary of renowned philosopher, aesthetician, and historian of Indian art, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (1877-1947) to promote interdisciplinary studies and research in comparative literature, literary theory and criticism, aesthetics, philosophy, art history, criticism of the arts, and history of ideas."