
Careers and Internships for English Majors

Whether you pursue teaching, writing, business, nonprofits, law, careers in government or non-governmental organizations, the English department offers training in how to read carefully, think analytically, and write clearly so that you will be ready for a variety of jobs.

ENGL 3930 gives English majors the opportunity to earn academic credit for an internship.  Internships allow students to become actively engaged in your career development by gaining valuable applied experiences and making connections in a field you may be considering as a career. 

LSU Career Services assists students and alumni in choosing careers, obtaining career-related work experiences while in school, developing job search skills, and securing employment or admission to graduate or professional school. The team at Career Services offers one-on-one counseling/coaching appointments, as well as a variety of career events and interviewing opportunities. You can also find a wealth of resources and information on their website at careercenter.lsu.edu.