
Manship Summer Research Fellowships

Each year, the College will award Manship Summer Research Fellowships and Humanities & Social Sciences Summer Research Funding to support research during the Summer Session to faculty members meeting the following criteria:

  • Faculty must not have been on (sabbatical or other academic) leave during the regular academic year preceding the potential fellowship summer.
  • Faculty must be on full-time, tenured or tenure track appointments in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Proposals consist of (1) cover page form, (2) a proposal narrative and (3) a current curriculum vitae.  The narrative must not exceed three double-spaced pages with margins no less than 1â€.  Any references cited are not counted toward the three-page limit.  The CV should be no more than three pages and should focus on the research record, including publications, conference presentations, grants and research relevant awards. Works in press, under review, and in progress may be included if clearly marked as such.  A PS-36 format CV should not be submitted.

In addition, applications must:

  • Include the cover form; 
  • Be submitted via email to Ann Whitmer (awhitme@lsu.edu) by March 1 for the following summer.

A committee to review and rank-order applications will be appointed by the College, with recipients of the awards from the previous summer being the preferred appointees.  Criteria to be used by the review committee will include those described below.  Preference for the awards will be given to persons who have not received the Manship or College Summer Research Fellowships previously. A final report (not to exceed three pages) of the accomplishments during the period of funding will be due on October 1st of the year of the fellowship.

Faculty must return to LSU duties the academic year following the period of summer funding or be responsible for reimbursing LSU for expenses incurred during the funding period.

Proposals will be considered in one of two funding tracks.

Manship Summer Research Fellowship Cover Page

Publication Track

Proposals in this option will focus on major published work(s) at any stage and may request support for data gathering, data analysis, writing, and/or activities associated with final stages of publication.  Proposals should describe the project, what phase of the project would be completed during the grant period, and anticipated publication venues and dates. 

The following review criteria will be used to rank proposals:

  • Significance and contribution of the proposed work;
  • Appropriateness of the design, methodology, and scope of work to be completed during the summer period of funding; 
  • Clarity of the proposal, including its organization and prose;
  • Plans for publication or production, including timetable and potential publication or distribution outlet.

The amount of the awards will be $5,000, paid as summer salary, with the number to be awarded each year being determined by availability of funds.  Awards are not to be combined with other summer funding in excess of one month’s pay or with any summer session teaching. 

Research Project Track

Proposals in this option will focus on projects that have the potential to lead to major external research fellowships or grants.  Proposals should describe the project and what phase of the project would be completed during the grant period. 

The following review criteria will be used to rank proposals:

  • Significance and contribution of the proposed research;
  • Appropriateness of the design, methodology, and scope of work to be completed during the summer period of funding;
  • Clarity of the proposal, including its organization and prose;
  • Plans for external grant funding, including timetable and potential grant or other funding opportunities. 

The amount of the awards will be $5,000, paid as salary, with the number to be awarded each year being determined by availability of funds.  Awards are not to be combined with other summer funding in excess of one month’s pay or with any summer session teaching. 

It is our intent, should resources be available, that awardees in this track will be eligible for an additional $2,500 summer salary if a proposal based on the results of the summer research is submitted to an external granting agency by May 31 of the following year.  Exceptions to this date will be considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to availability of funds. Although we would not be able to determine the final availability or amount of this additional funding until the fall semester, we encourage awardees to submit grant proposals regardless.