
Friends of French Studies By-Laws

Article I – Membership

There shall be the following classes of membership with annual dues payable as follows:

  • Students (Alligator) $10.00
  • Individual and Family (Gumbo) 25.00
  • Sustaining (Louisiana Iris) 50.00
  • Associate (Pelican) 100.00
  • Patron (Magnolia) 250.00
  • Benefactor (Fleur de Lis) 500.00
  • Sponsor (live Oak) 1,000.00
  • Honorary no fee

Each member shall pay the dues appropriate to his/her class of membership. The yearly dues may be varied from time to time by the Board, and members shall be notified of any change.
Members are entitled to vote at the annual meeting and at any special meeting of the general membership. No member may have more than one vote on any proposal.

Article II – Nominations & Elections

Section 1: The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Nominating Committee.
Section 2: The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for officers and directors at the annual meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor with prior consent of the nominees.
Section 3: Election of officers and directors shall be at the annual meeting.
Section 4: A quorum is composed of those voting members present at the annual meeting or at any meeting of the general membership.

Article III – Officer & Board of Directors

Section 1: The officers and members of the Board of Directors shall begin service upon the close of the annual meeting.
Section 2a: Any vacancy in office shall be filled for the balance of the term through appointment by the President with approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 2b: When an officer or member of the board of directors has not carried out any duties for a period of one year commencing upon the annual meeting, the President may declare the position vacant and fill it in accordance with the procedure in Section 2a.
Section 3: The officers shall have the usual power and duties exercised by officers of a voluntary association.
Section 4: The Board of Directors shall hold semi-annual meetings.
Section 5: The voting members of the Board of Directors shall serve two-year terms with a limit of five consecutive two-year terms. Resignation from the Board shall be in writing to the President.

Article IV – Committees

Section 1: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The President, with approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint such additional committees as may be required to accomplish the mission and purpose of the organization.

Article V - Duties of the Board

The Board of Directors shall adopt policies and programs designed to accomplish the purpose of the organization as set forth in the constitution.

Article VI - Duties of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for implementing the policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors.

Article VII - Amendments

Any amendment to the By-Laws shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any meeting of the general membership.