

Jack Yeager 

Phone: (225)578-6627

E-mail: jay@lsu.edu

Office: 409 Hodges


Area of ​​Interest

Southeast Asian Francophone literature; Francophone women's writing; gender studies


Selected Publications

"Jean's Hougron Indochina: Fantasy and Disillusionment." In France and Indochina: Cultural Representations , Kathryn Robson and Jennifer Yee, eds. London: Lexington Books, 2005: 207-217. "The challenge of Linda Lê." In Vietnam feminine . Gisèle Bousquet and Nora Taylor, eds. Paris: The Learned Indies, 2005: 353-365. "Bach Mai and Chen Ying. Immigrant Identities in Quebec" In Textualizing the Immigrant Experience in Contemporary Quebec , Susan Ireland and Patrice Proulx, eds. Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 2004: 137-47. "Colonialism and Power in Marguerite Duras's The Lover . " In Of Vietnam: Identities in Dialogue , Jane Bradley Winston and Leakthina Chau-Pech Ollier, eds. New York: Palgrave (St. Martin's). 2001: 224-35 The Vietnamese Novel in English: A Literary Response to Colonialism . Hanover and London, University Press of New England, 1987. Vietnamese Literature in French . New Orleans: CELFAN Monographs Edition (Tulane Univ.), 1999. Post Colonial Subjects: Francophone Women Writers . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996, co-editor. 



MLA Divisional Committee, Francophone Literatures and Cultures (1999-2004) 

MLA Delegate Assembly (1999-2004)
Board of Directors, International Francophone Studies Council (1999-2004)
President, Northeast MLA (1992-93) 
Visiting Professor, Wellesley College (1997)
Visiting Professor, University of Oregon (1996)