

Corrada Curry

Senior Instructor
Phone: (225)578-6627
Fax: (225)578-6628
E-mail: cbiazzo@lsu.edu 

Office: 401C Hodges


Corrada Biazzo Curry is a Senior Instructor in the Department of French Studies at LSU. She has also taught some Italian classes for the Department of World Languages and Literature. She received a Laurea in Modern Languages and Literatures from the University of Catania, Italy in 1983, with a dissertation in Comparative Literature about the influence of English and American Literature on two works by Gabriele D’Annunzio.

She then received her PhD in French Literature (with a minor in Italian Literature) from LSU in 1989 with a dissertation on Gustave Flaubert. She has taught French and Italian courses in both language and literature for LSU, and for two universities in Rome: John Cabot and The American University of Rome.

Corrada is presently the Secretary of the Friends of French Studies at LSU.


Areas of Interest:

Nineteenth and Twentieth Century French and Italian literatures, creative writing, poetry, comparative literature, literary theory, and translation.



Pensieri fra due mondi. Palermo: Edizioni LaZisa, September 2020. (Poetry with introduction and critical notes)

Il senso del male. Palermo: Edizioni LaZisa, April 2019. (Poetry with introduction)

Don Giovanni in Sicily by Vitaliano Brancati (A translation—with critical introduction, biography, commentary, and explanatory notes). Troubador Publishing, UK (September 2009).(See review contained in the following article: “Brancati’s Don Giovanni in Sicily. . . Surely No Greater Contempt for Sicily . . . Plato: “Beware of the Poets and Tragedians, by Tom Verso, published in bloggers.italy.org on November 22, 2014.

Preziosi Cimeli. (Poetry) Ragusa: Libro Italiano, Editrice Letteraria Internazionale, 2004.

Il sogno di un emigrante. (Poetry) Leics, UK: Troubador Publishing Ltd., 1997.

Description and Meaning in Three Novels by Gustave Flaubert. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1997.

History From Crime, (a translation of selections from the Italian historical journal Quaderni Storici) with Edward Muir and Guido Ruggiero. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

Book in progress: Confessioni di un’espatriata in un’epoca fragile. Pensieri sparsi fra prosa e versi (Confessions of an Expatriate in a Fragile Era. Scattered Thoughts between Prose and Verses). (Creative writing).


Articles, Reviews, Published Poetry, and Translations:

Poems in the Anthology Come le foglie. Ragusa: Operaincerta, September 2020, and September 2021.

Poems in Voices of Italian-Americana (edited by Chiara Mazzucchelli). Vol 19, No. 1 (2008).

Entry in the Nuovissimo Dizionario di Autori Scelti. Salerno: Edizioni Giovanni Marra, June 2006.

Publication in Websites: Poesia, Comiso e Comisani, Comiso, 2006, 2019, 2020, 2021. (http://comiso.altervista.org/poesia.htm#PAESE); Poesie Sulla Sicilia e Ragusa http://www.iblanet.com/_sgg/m5m7_1.htm.

Poems in InVerse. John Cabot University Press, 2005.

“D’Annunzio and the British Painters Reynolds, Gainsborough, Lawrence, and Turner.” Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 22.2, (Fall 2005).

“La Sicilianità come teatralità in Leonardo Sciascia e Gesualdo Bufalino.” Quaderni d’Italianistica, Vol. 22, No.2 (2001, printed 2004).

Collection of nine poems: Cronache Italiane, Imago Mundi, No. 7 (December 2004).

Invited book review—Divine Dialectic (Dante’s Incarnational Poetry), by Guy P. Raffa. University of Toronto Press, 2000; South Central Review, Vol. 20, No. 2-4, Summer-Winter 2003.

Collection of eight poems: Cronache Italiane (Edizione Speciale), Omnia (Autori Contemporanei), No. 7 (November 2002).

“Le Frioul Arquaique et le Rêve d’Amour: Le regard descripteur dans Dans la main de l’Ange de Dominique Fernandez (Une biographie romancée de Pier Paolo Pasolini).” Colophon (An International Journal of Arts and Letters), Catania, N. 7/8 (Spring, 2002).

“La parola-benedizione e la parola-inganno in Museo d'ombre di Gesualdo Bufalino” Colophon (An International Journal of Arts and Letters), N. 5 (Spring, 1999).

“Il trionfo della teatralità assoluta in Questa sera si recita a soggetto di Luigi Pirandello.” American Journal of Italian Studies, Vol. 20, N. 55-56, (1997).

Italian Writing in North America. (A collection of poems). VIA (Voices in Italian Americana, Special Issue on Italian-American Women Authors) Vol. 7. 1 (Fall 1996).

Poems in Canadian Journal of Italian Studies Vol. 18, N. 50 (Spring 1995).

The Bench, translation of La panchina, by Gesualdo Bufalino. Catania: Domenico Sanfilippo Editore, 1989. Canadian Journal of Italian Studies, Vol. 18, N. 51, 1995.`

“Language as a Set of Games: Literary Repetition and Metafiction in Raymond Roussel and Italo Calvino.” Ultramarina, Rivista Internazionale di Lettere, Arti e Varia Umanità, Numero Unico (Nov. 1993).

“Immagini letterarie e arti figurative: il Preraffaellismo di Gabriele D’Annunzio e l’ambiente anglofilo dell’Italia di fine secolo.” Canadian Journal of Italian Studies, Vol. 16, N. 46 (Fall 1993).

“Illusione del dialetto e ambivalenza semantica nei Malavoglia di Verga.” Atti dell’Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, Tomo CL (1991-92)- Classe di scienze morali, lettere ed arti.