
What Can a History Major Do?

A degree in History does not automatically qualify anyone for a certain profession, but the training one receives prepares him/her for all sorts of careers.  Some of our graduates pursue advanced degrees in law and business, some enter private enterprise such as banking and brokerage; some go to work in positions in federal, state, or local government, and some even enter medical or dental school, if they use their elective hours for the requisite science courses.  In a study by Forbes Magazine, the degree shared by the most CEOs of major American companies was History.

A good percentage of undergraduate majors choose to continue their education by enrolling in graduate studies in History, either at LSU or at other respected universities.  There is a growing interest in public history, usually involving work at museums and historical sites, and the department has established an internship program in cooperation with LSU’s Office of Career Services. Students who are interested in pursuing archival work could consider enrolling in the joint Masters program in History and Library Science.

History majors can also continue to pursue their interest in the subject without going to grad school, by becoming history and social studies teachers at the high school level. The Department has developed a very successful program to train History majors who intend to pursue this career in Louisiana high schools. The major in History with a Concentration in Secondary Education, or “GeauxTeach” program, works in cooperation with the College of Education, and has produced graduates who have become highly sought-after as teachers in Louisiana schools (see a partial list here). For prerequisites and program requirements, click here: GeauxTeach. Or you may contact Prof. Zevi Gutfreund, the faculty advisor for the Secondary Education concentration.