
Portrait of Stephen Andes

Stephen Andes

Associate Professor

Director of  Graduate Studies

237A Himes Hall


Courses Taught

HIST 1007 (World History Since 1500); HIST 4083 (Mexico: The National Period, c. 1810-Present); HIST 4195 (Religion, War, and Death in Latin America); INTL 3001 (Gateway to International Studies); INTL 4997 (The Mexican Drug Trade); HIST 7970 (Reading Seminar in Comparative History: Graduate)


Current Research Interests

20th Century Latin America, esp. Mexico; Latin America’s Cold War; Catholic social and political movements; Religion and Revolution in Latin America; Vatican policy; Modern Christianity; Christian Democratic parties; Religion and Narco-violence in Mexico.


Interested in Directing Theses On

Modern Mexico; Catholicism in Latin America; The Mexican Revolution; Religion and Revolution in Latin America; Cold War in Latin America.



BA, Portland State University (2004)

MA, Portland State University (2006)

D.Phil. Oxford (2010)


Awards and Honors

Fourth Year Leave, Fall Semester 2015, College of HSS

Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award, LSU, 2014

Manship Summer Research Fellowship, LSU, 2014

Council on Research Summer Research Stipend, LSU, 2013

Best Dissertation: Latin American Studies Association (Mexico Section), 2010-2011

Abbey-Santander Academic Travel Award (2009)

Latin American Centre Travel Scholarship, University of Oxford (2008)

Scatcherd European Scholarship, International Office, University of Oxford (2007).

Carr/Stahl Travel Funds, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford (2007).


Notable Articles

“Singing for Cristo Rey: Masculinity, Piety and Dissent in Mexico’s Cristero Rebellion,” in Michael Matthews and Stephen Neufeld, eds., Mexico in Verse: A History of Music, Rhyme and Power (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2015), pp. 181-215.

“A Catholic Alternative to Revolution: The Survival of Social Catholicism in Postrevolutionary Mexico”  The Americas 68:4 (April 2012): 529-562.

“El Vaticano y la identidad religiosa en el MĂ©xico Posrevolucionario, 1920-1940,” Estudios 95, Mexico City, ITAM (Winter 2010): 67-97.

“El Cristo Rey Conservador: la alianza tácita entre catĂłlicos y conservadores chilenos y el conflicto religioso de MĂ©xico, ca. 1926- 1929” in Jean Meyer, ed., Las Naciones frente al conflicto religioso en MĂ©xico. Mexico City: Tusquets Editores, 2010, pp. 169-192.



Zorro's Shadow: How a Mexican Legend Became America's First Superhero (Chicago Review Press, 2020)

The Mysterious Sofia: One Woman's Mission to Save Catholicism in Twentieth-Century Mexico (Nebraska, 2019)

Local Church, Global Church: Catholic Activism in Latin America from Rerum Novarum to Vatican II (co-editor with Julia G. Young) (Washington DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016).

The Vatican and Catholic Activism in Mexico and Chile: The Politics of Transnational Catholicism, 1920-1940 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).