
Christine Kooi

Christine Kooi

Lewis, Katheryn and Benjamin Price Professor of European History

238A Himes Hall


Courses Taught

Western Civilization to 1500, The Renaissance, The Age of Reformation, The Dutch Republic and Empire, 1500-1800, Women in the Renaissance and Reformation, Early Modern Europe


Current Research Interests

The Reformation in the Low Countries, 1520-1620


Interested in Directing Theses On

The Reformation, Early Modern Netherlands



B.A. summa cum laude, The College of Saint Rose (1987)

M.A., Ph.D., Yale University (1993)


Awards and Honors

Research Fellow, H.H. Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, Calvin University, 2021 

Research Fellow, Amsterdam Centre for the History and Heritage of Protestantism, Free University of Amsterdam, 2019 

LSU Council on Summer Research Grants (1995, 1998)
Editorial Board, Sixteenth Century Journal
Carl Meyer Prize
Sixteenth Century Studies Conference 1993
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study Resident Fellow 2003
Louisiana Board of Regents ATLAS Grant, 2007-2008



Notable Articles

“The Synod of Dordrecht after Four Hundred Years,” Archiv fĂĽr Reformationsgeschichte 111 (2020): 350-361 

“Catholic Women in the Dutch Golden Age,” Embodiment, Identity, and Gender in the Early Modern Era (Routledge, 2021)

“Popish Impudence: The Perseverance of the Catholic Faithful in Calvinist Holland, 1572-1620,” Sixteenth Century Journal 26 (1995): 75-85

“Pharisees and Hypocrites: A Public Debate over Church Discipline in Leiden, 1586,” Archive for Reformation History 88 (1997): 258-278

“Converts and Apostates: The Competition for Souls in Early Modern Holland,” Archive for Reformation History 92 (2001): 195-214

“Sub jugo haereticorum: Minority Catholicism in Early Modern Europe,” in Early Modern Catholicism (Toronto, 2001)

“Paying Off the Sheriff: Strategies of Catholic Toleration in Golden Age Holland,” in Calvinism and Religious Toleration in the Dutch Golden Age (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002)

“Conversion in a Multiconfessional Society: The Dutch Republic,” in: Konversion und Konfession in der Frühen Neuzeit, eds. Ute-Lotz Heumann et al. (Gütersloher Verlaghaus, 2007), pp. 271-285

“The Netherlands,” in Reformation and Early Modern Europe: A Guide to Research, ed. David M. Whitford (Kirksville: Truman State University Press, 2007), pp. 273-289

“The Reformation in the Netherlands: Some Historiographic Contributions in English,” Archive for Reformation History 100 (2009): 293-307

“Religious Tolerance,” Cambridge Companion to the Dutch Golden Age, eds. Geert Janssen and Helmer Helmers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 208-224 

“Calvinism in the Early Modern Netherlands and the Dutch Atlantic World,” John Calvin in Context, ed. R. Ward Holder (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp. 391-398 

“Calvinism and War,” Cultures of Calvinism in Early Modern Europe, eds. Crawford Gibben and Graeme Murdock (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. 173-187 



Reformation in the Low Countries, 1500-1620 (Cambridge, 2022)

Calvinists and Catholics during Holland’s Golden Age: Heretics and Idolaters (Cambridge, 2012)

Liberty and Religion: Church and State in Leiden’s Reformation 1572-1620 (Brill, 2000)