
Steven Ross

Steven Ross

Associate Professor
238-B Himes Hall


Courses Taught

Western Civilization to 1500;  Roman History Survey; History of Republican Rome; Rome of the Caesars; Greece of the City States; World of Alexander the Great; undergraduate reading seminar in Greek and Roman history


Current Research Interests

Rome and the Near East in the Severan period; life of the Empress Julia Domna; Roman attitudes to ethnicity



B.A. St. John’s College 1978; M.A. University of Maryland 1989; Ph.D. Berkeley 1997


Awards and Honors

Non-tenure faculty research semester grant
Summer Research Fellowship
Phi Alpha Theta Boneno Prize for Undergraduate Teaching
American Numismatic Society Fellowship in Roman Coinage Studies
U.C. Berkeley Provost’s Research Fund Award
Dumbarton Oaks fellowship at Center for the History and Culture of Byzantium in Paris
Graduate Summer Seminar, American Numismatic Society
U.C. Berkeley Humanities Fellowship



Roman Edessa: Politics and Culture on the Eastern Fringes of the Roman Empire, 114-242 C.E. (Routledge)