
HSS Strategic Excellence Funding

When funds are available the college will provide matching resources for initiatives directly related to the mission, values, and goals outlined in the HSS Strategic Plan. Requests should be submitted to the HSS Strategic Excellence Committee by emailing the following form to HSS-SEF@lsu.edu. Please attach a budget or other supporting documentation. 

HSS-SEF Request Form 

A committee will review the proposals and issue awards based on established criteria and available funding. Please note these are state funds and will be subject to all state spending rules. Requests should be for one-time expenditures with no recurring charges or maintenance costs and funds must be expended prior to fiscal year end June 30. Administration of the initiatives will be handled in the department by staff in your area and any equipment purchased will become property of the department and must be maintained by the department.

The committee will meet twice per semester, please note the following closing dates for submissions:

  • September 1
  • November 1
  • February 1
  • April 1