
Dr. Pearce Edwards photoDr. Pearce A. Edwards 

Assistant Professor

Ph.D.: Emory University
Email:  pedwards1@lsu.edu 
Office:  228 Stubbs Hall
Phone: 225-578-2141
Fax:  225-578-2540

Curriculum Vitae

Area of Interest

Dr. Pearce Edwards studies Comparative Politics with particular focus on authoritarianism.  His research interests also include state repression, political violence, and transitional justice.

Selected Publications

Arnon, Daniel, Pearce Edwards, and Handi Li. 2023.  "Message of Messenger? Source and Labeling Effects in Authoritarian Response to Protest." Comparative Political  Studies. Forthcoming.

Scharpf, Adam, Christian Gläßel, and Pearce Edwards. 2023.  "International sports events and repression in autocracies: Evidence from the 1978 FIFA World Cup."  American Political Science Review 117(3): 909-926.

Edwards, Pearce. 2022. "Political Competition and Authoritarian Repression: Evidence from Pinochet's Chile."  World Politics 74(4): 479-522.

Edwards, Pearce, and Daniel Arnon.  "Violence on many sides: Framing effects on protest and support for repression."  British Journal of Political Science 51.2 (2021): 488-506.


POLI 2053: Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI 3901: Internship (Director)
POLI 4060: Special Topics in Comparative Politics/Authoritarian Regimes
POLI 7971: Special Topics in Comparative Politics/Authoritarian Regimes


Assistant Professor Pearce Edwards (Ph.D. Emory University, 2021) studies Comparative Politics. HIs research interests also include state repression, political violence, and transitional justice.  His most recent projects investigate the causes and consequences of religious resistance to dictatorship, the effects of human rights trials, and authoritarian legitimation strategies.  His research has appeared in the American Political Science Review, the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, and World Politics, among others.