


Emily D. Mulcahy Graduate Student Travel Award

Each semester the Department of Political Science will award the Emily D. Mulcahy Graduate Student Travel Award.  The award is intended to encourage travel to present papers at conferences and/or to conduct research.  All current graduate students in Political Science are eligible.  The award will be made at the beginning of both the Fall and Spring semesters for travel in the coming year.  Students interested in receiving the award must submit an application to the department (send to the Director of Graduate Studies) by the first day of either the Fall or Spring semester.  The graduate committee will review the applications and make decisions about the recipient(s) and the amount of each award.

A complete application should include:

  1. Details on the conference or travel location.
  2. Estimated costs of the travel.
  3. A one-page description indicating the reason for the travel and how it will contribute to the student’s professional development (progress through the program, preparation for job market, etc.).
  4. A brief message of support from Major professor (an email to the Director of Graduate Studies is sufficient).
  5. If applying for a conference, a scheduled date to present paper in the department prior to attending conference (can be waived if already presented the same paper in a previous semester or at a previous conference). 

Within one month of completing travel, recipients are required to submit a brief, one-page report summarizing what was accomplished (brief overview of paper presented at a conference, research conducted, etc.).