


2020 Spring Syllabi

1001-1  Fundamental Issues of Politics (Stoner)

1001-2  Fundamental Issues of Politics (Mokeba)

1002-1  Honors: Fundamental Issues of Politics (Stoner) 

2030-1  Civic Engagement (Blair)

2051-1  American Government (Kenny)

2051-2  American Government (Hogan)

2051-3  American Government (Burns)

2051-4  American Government (Taylor)

2051-5  American Government (Hertzock)

2053-1  Intro to Comparative Politics (Mokeba)

2053-2  Intro to Comparative Politics (Mokeba)

2053-3  Intro to Comparative Politics (Nickens)

2056-1  Government of Louisiana (Flournoy)

2057-1  Intro to International Politics (C. Kim)

2057-2  Intro to International Politics (Tirone)

2057-3  Intro to International Politics (Reed)

2057-4  Intro to International Politics (Clare)

2060-1  Intro to Political Theory (Cloud)

2060-2  Intro to Political Theory (Riley)

2060-3  Intro to Political Theory (Orwin)

2070-1  Intro to Public Policy (Davis)

3809-1  Honors Sem: The Politics of Punishment (Gunderson)

3901-1  Internship (Kenny)

4000-1  ST: Politics of the U.S. Supreme Court (Lane)

4000-2  ST: Religion & American Politics (Bratton)

4011-1  Bureaucracy, Politics & Public Policy (Blair)

4020-1  American Constitutional Law (Bratton)

4021-1  Constitutional & Civil Liberties (Lane)

4023-1  Judicial Politics (Abad)

4023-1  Judicial Politics (Gunderson)

4026-1  Campaign & Elections (Kenny)

4028-1  Gender & American Politics (Bauer)

4029-1  Political Psychology (Bauer)

4040-1  ST: International Human Rights (C. Sullivan)

4042-1  International Organization (Mokeba)

4043-1  American Foreign Policy (Clare)

4050-1  Globalization & Politics (W. Kim)

4060-1  ST: Authoritarian Regimes (Toje)

4060-2  ST: Voting, Campaigns & Elections (J. Kim)

4065-1  Latin American Politics (Kerevel)

4077-1  British Politics (Ray)

4078-1  African Government & Politics (Mokeba)

4090-1  ST: Literature & Politics in the American South (Orwin)

7903-1  ST: Domestic Political Economy (Garand)

7941-1  ST: Domination & the Art of Resistance (C. Sullivan)

7963-1  Advanced Research Methods in Social Science (Garand)

7964-1  ST: Statistical Programming (J. Kim)

7964-2  ST: Intro to Rational Choice & Formal Modeling (Tirone)

7971-1  ST: Domination & the Art of Resistance (C. Sullivan)

7990-1  Sem: Political Theory/Interp. & Analysis (Eubanks)

7995-1  Sem: Contemporary Political Theory (Eubanks)