
Dr. Cecil Eubanks, Professor of Political ScienceDr. Cecil  L.  Eubanks 

Alumni Professor, Emeritus

PhD: University of Michigan
Office: 239 Stubbs Hall
Phone: 225-578-1944
Fax: 225-578-2540
E-mail: poeubk@lsu.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Area of Interest

Dr. Eubanks' teaching and research interests include contemporary political thought, American political thought, politics and literature and political theology. 

Selected Publications

"Subject and Substance: Hegel on Modernity," Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law. Fall 2005.

Eric Voegelin’s Dialogue with the Postmoderns: Searching for Foundations, University of Missouri Press, Fall 2004. Co-editor and contributor with Peter A. Petrakis.

"Private and Public Virtue in Euripides' Hecuba," with David Corey. 2003.Interpretation:A Journal of Political Philosophy.

"Reconstructing the World: Albert Camus and the Symbolization of Experience," with Peter Petrakis. 1999. Journal of Politics.

"New York: Federalism and the Political Economy of Union," in Ratifying the Constitution, edited by Michael Allen Gillespie and Michael Lienesch, University of Kansas Press, 1989.


POLI 1001 Fundamental Issues of Politics
POLI 2060 Introduction to Political Theory
POLI 4096 Contemporary Political Theory
POLI 7990 Political Theory-Interpretation and Analysis
POLI 7991 Seminar in Greek Tragedy
POLI 7991 Seminar in Political Theology
POLI 7995 Seminar in Contemporary Political Theory