
Dr. Fred Gui pictureDr. Fred Gui

Assistant Professor

Ph.D.: University of Rochester
Office:  219 Stubbs Hall
Email:  pgui@lsu.edu 
Dept. Phone:  225-578-2141



Curriculum Vitae

Area of Interest

Dr. Fred Gui specializes in American Politics with a focus on separation of power politics.  His current research interests include the interactions of the Presidency and the Congress in the appropriation process, and the measurement of agency capacity.

Selected Publications

Gui, Fred, and Lawrence Rothenberg.  "The Importance of Position: Agency Discretionary Budgets and PAS Appointments."  Presidential Studies Quarterly 52.1 (2022): 84-106.

Gui, Fred, "Reward of legislating: member's legislative performance and lobbyists' personal contributions."  Interest Groups and Advocacy  12.1 (2023): 24-47.


POLI 4000  Special Topics: Business and Politics
POLI 4035  Legislative Process


Fred Gui, Assistant Professor (Ph.D. University of Rochester, 2023) specializes in American Politics with a focus on separation of power politics.  His current research interests include the interactions of the Presidency and the Congress in the appropriation process, and the measurement of agency capacity.  HIs research has been published in the Presidential Studies Quarterly and Interest Groups and Advocacy.