
photo of Anna GundersonDr. Anna Gunderson

Assistant Professor

PhD: Emory University
Office: 235 Stubbs Hall
Phone:  225-578-2141
Email: agunderson@lsu.edu 
Office: 208-B Stubbs Hall


Curriculum Vitae

Area of Interest

Dr. Anna Gunderson studies American Politics and the politics of mass incarceration.  Her research areas include policing, private and public prisons, and inmate litigation.

Selected Publications

Gunderson, Anna. Forthcoming, 2022. Captive Market: Accountability and State Prison Privatization.  Oxford University Press.

Gunderson, Anna. "Ideology, Disadvantage, and Federal District Court Inmate Civil Rights Filings: The Troubling Effects of Pro Se Status." The Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2021.  

Gunderson, Anna. "Who Punishes More? Partisanship, Punitive Policies, and the Puzzle of Democratic Governors." Political Research Quarterly, 2021, 1-17.  

Gunderson, Anna, Elisha Cohen, Kaylyn Jackson Schiff, Tom S. Clark, Adam Glynn, and Michael Leo Owens.  "Counterevidence of Crime-Reduction Effects from Federal Grants of Military Equipment to Local Police." Nature Human Behaviour, 2020.  

Gunderson, Anna.  "Why Do States Privatize Their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation." Perspectives on Politics, 2020, 1-18.  


POLI 2052  Honors Introduction to American Government
POLI 3809  Honors Special Topics: The Politics of Punishment
POLI 4023  Judicial Politics


Dr. Anna Gunderson (Ph.D. Emory University, 2019) studies American Politics and the politics of mass incarceration.  Her research areas include policing, private and public prisons, and inmate litigation. Her most recent projects analyze the effect of gender on Police outcomes, descriptive representation in prosecutorial decision-making, and the politics of pardons and commutations.  Her book on he rise of state prison privatization is forthcoming with Oxford University Press in 2022, and she has been published in the Journal of Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Nature Human Behaviour, Politics Research Quarterly, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, and the Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics.