
Dr. Robert Hogan, Professor of Political ScienceDr. Robert E. Hogan 

Department Chair and Professor

PhD: Rice University
Office: 240-B-1 Stubbs Hall
Phone: 225-578-3217
Fax: 225-578-2540
Email: rhogan1@lsu.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Area of Interest

Dr. Robert Hogan studies American Politics in the states.  His research areas include elections, representation, political parties, and interest groups.

Selected Publications

Hogan, Robert E. 2021. "Legislative Voting and Environmental Policymaking in the American States." Environmental Politics 30 (4): 559-578.

Hogan, Robert E., and Anna R. Elinkowski. 2021. "Trump Support in This Swamp Runs Deep." In DuBose Kapeluck and Scott Buchanan, eds. The 2020 Presidential Election in the South. Lexington Books.

Hogan, Robert E., Mileah K. Kromer and Rhonda Wrzenski. 2016. "Electoral Consequences of Lawmaking Activities for State Legislative Incumbents." Social Science Quarterly 97 (3): 636-649.


POLI 2051  American Government
POLI 2052  Honors American Politics
POLI 2070  Public Policy Making
POLI 4015  American State Politics and Policy Making
POLI 4031  Political Parties in the United States
POLI 4032  Interest Groups in American Politics
POLI 7900  Seminar in American Politics
POLI 7915  Seminar in State Politics and Policy Making 


Professor Robert E. Hogan (Ph.D. Rice University, 1998) studies American Politics in the states. His research areas include campaigns and elections, representation, political parties, and interest groups. His most recent projects examine candidate decision making, election competition, and representation in the state legislatures.  His published work has appeared in a variety of academic journals including the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, and Environmental Politics. He currently serves as chair of the Political Science Department.