Dr. Yann P. Kerevel
PhD: University of New Mexico
Office: 237 Stubbs Hall
Phone: 225-578-2141
Email: ykerev1@lsu.edu
Area of Interest
Dr. Yann Kerevel specializes in Comparative Politics with a focus on Latin America. His research areas include descriptive representation, legislative politics, and electoral systems.
Selected Publications
Ascencio,Sergio J., and Yann P. Kerevel. 2021. "Party Strategy, Candidate Selection and Legislative Behavior in Mexico." Legislative Studies Quarterly 46 (3): 713-743.
Kerevel, Yann P., and Austin S. Matthews. 2021. "The Nomination and Electoral Competitiveness of Working Class Candidates in Germany." German Politics
Kerevel, Yann P. 2019. “Empowering Women? Gender Quotas and Women’s Political Careers.”Journal of Politics 81 (4): 1167-1180.
Kerevel, Yann P., Austin S. Matthews, and Katsunori Seki. 2019. “Mixed-Member Electoral Systems, Best Loser Rules, and the Descriptive Representation of Women.” Electoral Studies 57: 153-162.
POLI 2053 – Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI 4060 – ST: Democracy in Crisis
POLI 4065 – Introduction to Latin American Politics
POLI 7971 – ST: Descriptive Representation/Graduate Seminar
POLI 7971 – ST: Comparative Legislatures/Graduate Seminar
Yann P. Kerevel, Professor (Ph.D. University of New Mexico, 2012), specializes in comparative politics and comparative political institutions with a regional focus on Latin America. His current research focuses on the under-representation of the working class, descriptive representation, gender quotas, and legislative effectiveness. His research has appeared in a variety of academic journals, including The Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Electoral Studies, Latin American Politics and Society, Social Science Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, and Democratization.