
Dr. Chris Sullivan, Professor of Political ScienceDr. Christopher M. Sullivan

Associate Professor

Ph.D.: University of Michigan
Office: 208-A Stubbs Hall
Phone: 225-578-2141
Fax: 225-578-2540
Email: csullivan@lsu.edu 


Curriculum Vitae

Area of Interest

Dr. Christopher Sullivan studies international relations and comparative politics. His research focuses on political order and human rights.

Selected Publications

Liu, Howard and Christopher M. Sullivan. 2021. "And the Heat Goes On: Repression and the Modalities of Power." Journal of Conflict Resolution 65: 1657-1679.

Balcells, Laia, and Christopher M. Sullivan. 2018. "New Findings from Conflict Archives." Journal of Peace Research 55 (2): 137-146.  55.2 (2018): 137-146.
Sullivan, Christopher M., and Zachary P. O’Keeffe. 2017. "Evidence that curtailing proactive policing can reduce major crime." Nature Human Behaviour 1 (10): 730-737.
Sullivan, Christopher M.2016. "Political Repression and the Destruction of Dissident Organizations: Evidence from the Archives of the Guatemalan National Police." World Politics 68 (4): 645-676.
Sullivan, Christopher M. 2-16. "Undermining Resistance: Mobilization, Repression, and the Enforcement of Political Order." Journal of Conflict Resolution 60 (7):1163-1190.


POLI 4040 ST: International/Human Rights
POLI 4060 ST: Comparative/State & Society
POLI 7941 ST: International/Human Rights; International/Domination & the Arts of Resistance; International/Anarchy, Violence & the Rule of Law
POLI 7971 ST: Comparative/Human Rights; Comparative/Domination & the Arts of Resistance; International/Anarchy, Violence & the Rule of Law


Chris Sullivan, Associate Professor (Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2014) specializes in international relations. His research and teaching interests include human rights, political order, and conflict. He has conducted archival field research in Latina America, Europe, and the United States. His current book project explores the end of state-sponsored mass killing in Guatemala and the microfoundations of emergent political order.