
Graduate Courses

4996, 4997 Readings Course (1-3,1-3) – Prereq.: consent of department. Honors courses, POLI 3896 and 3897, are also available. For junior, senior, and graduate students in the social sciences with a 3.00 average. Individual reading in a specified field of political science.


7000 Professional Development (1) – Pass-fail grading. Political scientist as teacher, researcher, citizen.


7010 Decision Models for Public Administration (3) – See PADM 7010, ISDS 7010.


7900 Seminar in American Politics (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7901 Graduate Internship in Political Science (1-6) – Open only to graduate students approved by the Department of Political Science and accepted by a recognized internship program. May be counted toward total number of hours required in the M.A. program but not toward field requirements. Research and work in governmental or private agencies concerned with public policy.


7902 Seminar in Public Policy (3) – Also offered as PADM 7902.


7903 Special Topics in American Politics (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7910 Seminar in Public Administration (3) – See PADM 7910.


7912 Seminar in Public Personnel Administration (3) – See PADM 7912.


7914 Seminar in Public Budgeting (3) – Also offered as PADM 7914.


7915 Seminar in State Politics and Policy Making (3)


7916 State and Local Government Administration (3) – See PADM 7916.


7917 Seminar in Program Evaluation (3) – Also offered as PADM 7917.


7918 Seminar in Urban Politics and Policy Making (3)


7920 Seminar in Public Law (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7930 Seminar in Political Behavior (3)


7931 Seminar in Political Parties (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7935 Seminar in Legislative Politics (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7936 Seminar in Executive Politics (3)


7940 Seminar in International Politics (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7941 Special Topics in International Politics (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7943 Seminar in the American Foreign Policy Process (3)


7946 Seminar in the Politics of International Economic Relations (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7961 Approaches to the Study of Politics (3)


7962 Seminar in Research Design and Quantitative Techniques (3)


7963 Advanced Research Methods in Social Science (3) – Survey of advanced methodology in the social sciences; emphasis on general linear model and causal models. See SOCL 7203.


7964 Specialized Topics in Social Science Methods (2-3) – See SOCL 7213.


7970 Seminar in Comparative Politics (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7971 Special Topics in Comparative Politics (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7972 Seminar in Comparative Political Institutions (3) – Credit will not be given for both this course and POLI 4063. Advanced analysis of comparative political institutions, emphasis on constitutional design, electoral and party systems, legislatures and cabinets, and parliamentary and presidential structures.


7974 Seminar on the State and Society (3) – Focus on relations between the state and society; effects of social structure and social change on politics and the factors affecting political regimes and state capacity.


7975 Seminar in Comparative Political Behavior (3) – Focus on individual level political phenomena and the relations to political institutions and social systems; topics include political culture and socialization, participation and protest, revolution and regime support, voting and voting behavior.


7976 Seminar in Comparative Political Economy (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Focus on the interaction between politics ad economics; topics include models of development, economic performance, and the impact of global economic forces on regional and domestic politics.


7980 Seminar in American Political Thought (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7981 Seminar in Classical and Medieval Political Theory (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7982 Seminar in Early Modern Political Theory (3)


7984 Seminar in Analytical and Empirical Political Theory (3)


7990 Political Theory: Interpretation and Analysis (3)


7991 Special Topics in Political Theory (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7995 Seminar in Contemporary Political Theory (3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


7998, 7999 Readings Course (3,3) – May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.


8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.) – "S"/"U" grading.


9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.) – "S"/"U" grading