
Application and Room Assignment

Application and Room Assignment

The College of Humanities & Social Sciences Residential College enjoys all the same amenities and features of a traditional residence hall, but also maximize the on-campus living experience for first-year students by creating smaller based on majors or interests and fosters greater student-faculty interaction beyond the classroom.

  • Eligible students should select the Humanities & Social Sciences Residential College (HSSRC) as their housing preference on the housing application.
  • Residential College staff reviews the applications for eligibility as they are received and notifies residents of their acceptance into the program throughout the spring.
  • HSSRC residents can search for potential roommates in the online housing portal and begin making room selections in May.
  • For housing application and room assignment information, please contact Housing at 225-578-8663.
  • For Humanities & Social Sciences Residential College eligibility information, please contact the HSSRC Faculty Rector, Dr. Danielle Thomas.