
Course Descriptions

View a list of courses being offered next semester.

2000 Level:

2001 Introduction to Screen Arts*

(3) Study of film, television and video.

3000 Level:

3001 Special Topics in Screen Arts**

(3) May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Selected topics relevant to the study of screen arts.

3010 Art of Cinematography

(3) In-depth study of history, concepts, and methods of film and video cinematography; formal instruction and practice in filmmaking techniques such as framing, camera movement, depth of field, and other key ideas as they relate to the creation of film narrative, aesthetic communication, and rhetoric.

3011 Art of Editing

(3) In-depth study of the history, concepts, and skills involved in film and video editing techniques; formal instruction and practice in non-linear editing along with concepts such as montage, continuity editing, and narrative.

3012 Film Directing

(3) In-depth study of and practice in various elements, techniques, and disciplines for directing film and video. Development of such skills as on-screen storytelling; manipulating performance, mood, and emotion; logistical, technical, and artistic problem-solving; managing time and people.

3014 Film Producing

(3) An in-depth, intensive examination of film producing as related to the business and managerial side of contemporary video and cinema production.

3020 Independent Study 

(3) Individual study and research projects.  Instructor and FMA Director approval required.

3030 Internship in Screen Arts

(3) Internship at Screen Arts related agency, organization, or network, and research project and discussion with faculty mentor.

Prereq.: Permission of department; permission of instructor. Normally open to only juniors and seniors.

3501 Middle Eastern Cinema: Identities in Motion

(3) May be taken for 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Introduction to contemporary Middle East cinema covering the period from after the 1950s to the present in countries including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iran. Also offered as ARAB 3501.

3502 Special Topics in Italian Cinema

(3) May be taken for 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Also offered as ITAL 3502.In-depth study of various aspects of Italian cinema from different periods.

3503 Special Topics in Asian Cinema

(3) May be taken for 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. In-depth study of various aspects of Asian cinema.

3504 Special Topics in Latin American Cinema  

(3)   In-depth study of various aspects of Latin American cinema.

3505 The Horror Film 

(3)    In-depth study of various aspects of the Horror Film genre.

3506 Special Topics in German Film

(3)     Prereq.: Permission of Instructor. Knowledge of German not required. In-depth study of various aspects of German cinema.

4000 Level:

4001 Advanced Topics in Screen Arts**

(3) May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Advanced topics relevant to the study of screen arts

4011 Advanced Editing

(3) Study of advanced concepts and techniques in film and video editing; formal instruction and practice in advanced skills in non-linear editing such as effects techniques, chroma-keying, compositing, audio mixing, color grading, titling, etc.

Prereq.: Credit in SCRN 3011 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

4012 Advanced Film Directing

(3) Students will each make a single, semester-long ambitious short film (narrative or documentary) applying all the steps in a director’s journey from idea to finished film.

Prereq.: Credit in SCRN 3010, SCRN 3012, SCRN 3014 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

4014 Advanced Film Producing

(3) Advanced study and practice in the business and managerial side of film-making.

Prereq.: Credit in SCRN 3010, SCRN 3012, SCRN 3014 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

4015 Advanced Film Practices

( 3) Students will select different specialties/departments on a film crew and create film scenes to increase their knowledge of and skills within the chosen specialty.

Prereq.: Credit in SCRN 3010, SCRN 3011, SCRN 3012, SCRN 3014 or equivalent or permission of instructor.


7000 Level:

7001 Graduate Seminar in Film and Media Arts 

(3) Interdisciplinary graduate level study of selected topics in Film and Media Arts.

7900 Independent Study in Screen Arts 

(3) Research Projects in Film and Media Arts.

*Required, SCRN Minor/BALA Degree

**Required, SCRN BALA Degree