Gleauxscars 2021
When: Thursday, April 8 (6-8 pm)
Where: (Click on the link to access the page when it begins)
RSVP on our page to get reminders about the stream!
For more information, please visit our and pages.
Yes, it's Eauxscar season again! As you are well aware, the Covid-19 pandemic had substantial impact on the film industry. Many theatrical releases were postponed or cancelled altogether. We couldn't go out to the theaters to see the latest films. We were stuck at home binge-watching on our favorite video or social media platforms.
Due to these out-of-the-ordinary circumstances, this year's Eauxscar Night will be out-of-the-ordinary as well. Thus, we are expanding our entries to include not only film releases of 2020, but also TV shows, streaming series, YouTube videos, and even TikTok videos--a sort of Eauxscars meets Golden Globes, or Gleauxscars, if you will.
This year’s virtual event will take place on Zoom and Facebook Live. So, if you would like to participate in this one-of-a-kind event, please put together your funniest, most entertaining, most persuasive presentation (5 minutes maximum) for best film or video of 2020. A Gleauxscar will be awarded for Most Outstanding Argument and there just may be some additional fun and exciting prizes as well.