
HSS Faculty Senate Officers & Committees

2021-2022 OFFICERS

President, Alan Baumeister

1st Vice President, Clay Weill

2nd Vice President, Matthew Valasik

Secretary, John Bardes



Steering Committee - Senate President

Academic Oversight Committee - Senate President

Faculty Welfare and Policy Committee - 1st VP

Scholarship and Teaching Committee - 2nd VP



Steering Committee

Shall have the following responsibilities and authority: 1) to receive communications concerning matters to be put on an agenda of the Senate; 2) to establish the agenda for Senate meetings, including any matter that a senator or other member of the College Faculty petitions the Senate to consider; 3) to announce the time and place of meetings to senators; 4) to call special meetings of the Senate; 5) to refer appropriate matters to a standing committee of the Senate; 6) to maintain communication between the Senate and the dean of the College; 7) to consult with the dean in setting times and agendas for College Faculty meetings; 8) to oversee selection of new members of the College Senate, Senate standing committees, CAPPE, the P&T Committee, and representatives of the College on the LSU Faculty Senate; 9) to provide each newly elected member of CAPPE and the P&T Committee with those articles of these Bylaws relating to that committee; 10) to maintain the College Senate website, including updating the membership lists of CAPPE, the P&T Committee, and Senate standing committees; 11) to discharge any other responsibility or authority assigned to the Steering Committee by the Senate.

Academic Oversight Committee

Will review CAPPE's annual report; see Article VI. The Senate president, in consultation with the dean and the Steering Committee, will determine this committee's additional charge for each academic year.

Faculty Welfare and Policy Committee

Is charged with reviewing any policy or matter that affects faculty morale, such as compensation or teaching conditions.

Scholarship and Teaching Committee

Is charged with considering issues relating to scholarship and teaching in the College. This committee will also choose the nominee or nominees for the University-wide doctoral dissertation award.