
Get Involved


The caucus has five committees which offer a variety of opportunities to serve:

  • Advocacy Committee: Assist the executive committee in identifying, organizing and distributing messages related to support and advancement opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals on campus.
  • Graduate Student Support Committee: Develop and execute a caucus sponsored support initiative for graduate students.
  • Signature Event Committee: Responsible for organizing, identifying and planning an annual caucus signature fundraising social event.
  • Social Committee: Responsible for organizing regular social opportunities for caucus members to engage socially and build relationships among each other.
  • Budget Committee: Assist the caucus Treasurer with budget development and caucus communication regarding the budget.

Interested in serving on one or more of the committees? Send an email to lgbtqcaucus@lsu.edu to be connected with the committee chair.


Other Ways to Serve 

As our caucus is growing, we are being asked to serve in more capacities across campus. As these opportunities arise, the executive committee will solicit volunteers via the caucus ListServ. You can sign up for the ListServ here.