
3+2 Environmental Public Health Program | LSU Majors

3+2 Environmental Public Health Program

You want a career that will improve the environment.

About 3+2 Environmental Public Health Program

The 3+2 Environmental Public Health Program allows eligible students to receive a bachelor's degree in Coastal Environmental Science with a concentration in Environmental Health and a master's degree in Public Health in five years, instead of six.

Degrees Received

  • Bachelor of Science in Coastal Environmental Science (B.S.)
  • Master's degree in Public Health (M.P.H.)

Fast Track

Completion Time Type of Degree
Years 1-3 undergraduate coursework
Year 4 begin graduate coursework; bachelor's degree earned
Year 5 master's degree earned

Time Saved vs. Traditional Track: 1 year


More info about 3+2 Environmental Public Health Program