
LSU Majors by Interest

Majors by Interest

Select what you would like to do after college. We will show you how LSU can get you there. 

American Flags

I want to serve my country.

You feel a calling to serve and defend our country. A career in the military, national defense, or law enforcement may be for you.


Photo of engineering

I want to engineer the world.

You want to shape our world, whether it's by building bridges or finding energy solutions. A career in engineering may be for you. 


photo of chemisty structure

I want to make scientific discoveries.

You like to discover new things and want to use your knowledge to impact the world. A career in the basic sciences may be for you. 


Photo of stethoscope

I want to improve the health of others.

You want to help others live healthier and more fulfilling lives. A career in the health sciences may be for you. 


Photo of plant

I want to preserve and nourish our environment.

You are passionate about the environment and our relationship to it. A career in the environmental sciences may be for you. 


Photo of compass

I want to work outside.

You like being in the great outdoors and aren't interested in working in an office. A career in the outdoors may be for you. 


Photo of hands

I want to work with people.

You are intrigued by human nature and how we react to our circumstances and surroundings. A career involving people and society may be for you. 


Photo of flags

I want to work with politics, law and government.

You are fascinated by the political process and the functions of government. A career in politics and law may be for you. 


Photo of calculator

I want to work with numbers.

You have always enjoyed working with numbers and solving complex problems. A career in math may be for you. 


Photo of reporter

I want to communicate to the digital world.

You love to share a good story and want to express your creativity through words. A career in communication may be for you. 


Photo of saxaphone

I want to perform in the spotlight.

You live for the spotlight and enjoy being the center of attention. A career in the performing arts may be for you. 


Photo of painter

I want to be creative.

You enjoy breathing life into a creative thought and long to create.  A career in the visual arts my be for you. 



Photo of diploma

I want to educate future generations.

You are passionate about your favorite subject and want to ignite that passion in the next generation. A career in education may be for you.


Photo of computer

I want to work with technology.

You love using technology to improve our everyday lives and to expand our virtual world. A career in computers may be for you. 


Photo of briefcase

I want to own or manage a business.

You are drawn to structure, love problem solving and enjoy analyzing risks. A career in business and management may be for you.