
Education | LSU Majors

You are passionate about your favorite subject and want to ignite that passion in the next generation. A career in education may be for you.   

Ag MagicAgricultural Education

You like sharing your knowledge of agriculture. Indoors or out, this is an area in which you will be able to grow as you teach others.

Athletic training demonstration.Athletic Training

You are interested in helping athletes manage their health in order to maintain optimal performance.

Student reads to children at the care center.Child and Family Studies

You are interested in helping children and families move beyond boundaries and overcome adverse conditions.

Student works on project to restore gulf coast.Coastal Environmental Science

You like scientific discovery and want to be a part of the conservation and preservation of coastal environments and oceanic life.

Student teacher works with child.Dual Certification General/Special Education: Grades 1-5

You are interested in helping others; teaching children with special needs is a great way to do that.  

Students listen to teacher in elementary classroom.Elementary Grades Education

You are interested in helping students achieve a strong educational foundation. 


Students play volleyball during gym.Health and Physical Education Teacher Certification

You like preparing others, physically as well as mentally, to be the best they can be.

Students listen to presentation in human resource education class.Human Resource Education

You are interested in creating a positive work environment that allows employees to live up to their full potential. 

Student reporters for the Reveille work in the Student Media Office=Journalism

You are interested in telling the world’s compelling stories, whether they are in print, online or through broadcast media.

Kinesiology students learn with hands-on techniques.Kinesiology

You enjoy being physically active and want to help others improve their lives through proper exercise.

Students conduct gulf coast research.Marine Biology

You are fascinated by the ocean, its geology and the aquatic life within it. 

Students learning music education.Music Education

You are a leader and want to share your passion for the performing arts with others.

Student prepares dish in cooking class.Nutrition and Food Science

You are interested in helping people maintain or achieve good health by teaching them to eat well and live healthier lives.

Student reads to children.PreK-3 Teacher Certification

 You love children and want to have a positive impact on their learning.

Rabbi gives sermon.Religious Studies

You believe that to understand religion is to understand the world.

Teacher talks with student.Secondary Education

You are interested in becoming a high school teacher and are ready to shape the future one student at a time. 

Student works on sculpture.Studio Art

You believe that art makes the world go around and want to learn all you can about your craft.

Student prepare artwork for set.Theatre

You thrive on creativity and expression, and believe the world is your stage.