
Politics & Law | LSU Majors

Politics, Law & Government

You are fascinated by the political process and the functions of government. A career in politics and law may be for you.

Person holding a plant

3+3 Environmental Law Program

You are passionate about the world’s coasts and environments and their relationship to environmental justice, policy and consulting.

Student reads to children at the care center.Child and Family Studies

You are interested in helping children and families move beyond boundaries and overcome adverse conditions.

Students ask police questions at safety day.Criminology

You are fascinated by crime and the criminal justice system. 

Students listen at financial seminar.Economics, B.A. or Economics, B.S.

You have a keen interest in the economy - both domestic and global. 

Students listen to English presentation.English

You are creative by nature - whether writing stories, poems or screenplays - and want to share your ideas with the world.

Students learn history in Hill MemorialHistory

You like to read about the events that have shaped the world and are fascinated by the ways in which those events unfolded. 

Students learn about different cultures at the international expo.International Studies

You are curious about other cultures and the issues that drive global politics.

Flags hang at the International Cultural Center.International Trade & Finance

You like to travel and have a yen for the yen - or the yuan or the euro.

Students give philosophy presentations.Philosophy

You have an admiration for the great thinkers throughout human history who defined their times and left behind legacies for future generations.

Student takes tour of capitol.Political Communication

You find policies exhilarating, are always in the middle of a debate and want to change the world through communication, politics and the law. 

Students sit in on session during LSU Day.Political Science

You are intrigued by the political process and want to know more about how government systems work.  

women on campusWomen's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
You are ready to take on women's and gender issues and advocate for justice.