
English | LSU Majors


You are creative by nature—whether writing stories, poems, or screenplays—and want to share your ideas with the world.

About English 

Dive headfirst into a whole new world of literature and creation in this major. The English major offers subjects ranging from Beowulf to box office hits. English faculty and students are frequent participants in summer study abroad programs in places like Great Britain and Ireland.

If you major in English, you'll be required to choose a concentration. Each available concentration is listed below.

Concentrations Available:

  • Creative Writing: Get the background you need to create the next great literary work right here at LSU. The program gives students the opportunity to hone their craft as writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and hybrid genres while also offering chances to study drama and screenwriting.
  • Literature: The literature concentration will allow you to stretch your mind and find new meaning in everything you read. It emphasizes reading, interpreting, and placing imaginative literature in a variety of interpretive contexts.
  • Secondary Education: You want to teach English. Prepare for classroom certification through the English secondary education concentration while you participate in courses that expand your mind and your world. 
  • Rhetoric, Writing and Culture: You have a passion for writing. Learn how to direct that passion toward a variety of audiences. The rhetoric, writing, and culture concentration focuses on a wide range of writing genres (e.g., producing a corporate document, a newspaper, a novel, or a film script), studied on a range of levels, including linguistics (the systematic study of the components of language), rhetoric (the art of the effective and persuasive use of language), and cultural studies (encompassing all the socially transmitted  assumptions and behaviors that affect a text). 

Possible Careers

  • Book reviewer
  • Corporate writer
  • Editor
  • Editorialist
  • Lawyer
  • Middle or high school administrator
  • Middle or high school English teacher
  • Novelist
  • Poet
  • Professor
  • Publicist
  • Publisher
  • Screenwriter
  • Writer

Email hss@lsu.edu or call 225-578-3141 for more information.

Senior College

College of Humanities & Social Sciences


B.A., Bachelor of Arts

Course Load by Subject Area

  • Electives: High Intensity
  • Reading & Literature: High Intensity
  • Writing: High Intensity
  • Foreign Language: Medium Intensity
  • View all course loads

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