
Military and Security | LSU Majors

You feel a calling to serve and defend our country. A career in the military, national defense, or law enforcement may be for you.



You want to protect computer systems, networks, and associated infrastructure and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of important data.

Students oversee construction site.Construction Management

You are a born leader and have the knowledge to build projects from the ground up.



You are naturally curious about exploring world geography and how new technologies will help us understand culture and our physical landscape.


Geology students in Antarctica



You enjoy exploring the interaction of water, life, the Earth, and climate from our solar system's beginnings to modern day challenges, extending to natural hazards, energy transition, and the global space economy

Students learn history in Hill MemorialHistory

You like to read about the events that have shaped the world and are fascinated by the ways in which those events unfolded.

Student in computer labInformation Systems & Decision Sciences

You are fascinated with technology and precision, and want to create solutions within an organization.

Flags hang at the International Cultural Center.International Studies

You are curious about other cultures and the issues that drive global politics.

Leadership & Human Resource Development

You aspire to lead teams within an organization where you will foster growth, development, and positive change.

Student with robotMechanical Engineering

You enjoy building things from the ground up, and making them function is what you live for. 

Faculty with telescopePhysics

You are interested in learning about the universe around us, as well as within us.

lsu capitolPolitical Science

You are intrigued by the political process and want to know more about how government systems work.