
Classical Civilization | LSU Majors

Classical Civilization

You are intrigued by the accomplishments and foundations of knowledge that arose from ancient cultures.

About Classical Civilization

The Classical Civilization concentration allows you to explore the culture and history of ancient Greece and Rome. In this concentration, you will learn to read Latin or Greek and can continue to pursue advanced language work and/or interests in the classical world. The curriculum includes courses in art history, classical studies (in translation), history, linguistics, philosophy, political science, and religious studies. 

Possible Careers

  • Entrepreneur
  • Professor
  • Publisher
  • Teacher

Email hss@lsu.edu or call 225-578-3141 for more information.

Senior College

College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Liberal Arts


B.A., Bachelor of Arts

Course Load by Subject Area

  •  Social Studies: High Intensity
  • Electives: Medium Intensity
  • Foreign Language: Medium Intensity

Learn more about course loads and subject areas

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