
Communication Disorders | LSU Majors

Communication Disorders

You like helping others and are fascinated by the intricate nature of human communication.

About Communication Disorders 

Find yourself among the dedicated students and faculty who work to improve the lives of others through speech, language, and hearing therapy. Study the nature and treatment of problems with speech, language, and hearing. You will learn about the linguistic, developmental, physiological, and acoustic aspects of oral communication and will be prepared for the advanced training necessary for certification in fields such as speech language pathology and audiology. 

Possible Careers

  • Audiologist
  • Speech and language therapist
  • Speech-language-hearing pathologist

Email hss@lsu.edu or call 225-578-3141 for more information.

Senior College

College of Humanities & Social Sciences


B.A., Bachelor of Arts

Course Load by Subject Area

  • Communication:  High Intensity
  • Electives:   Medium Intensity
  • Foreign Language:  Medium Intensity
  • Science:  Low Intensity
  • View all course loads

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