For additional resources, visit the LSU Graduate School's Student Resources page.
Master of Mass Communication Policies and Procedures Handbook
The MMC Handbook is a comprehensive guide that provides information about the program's philosophy; the program of study; the graduate advisory committee; thesis, professional project or comprehensive exam; graduation requirements; graduate assistantships; LSU policies; and additional resources.
Ph.D. in Media & Public Affairs Policies and Procedures Handbook
The Ph.D. Handbook is a comprehensive guide that provides information about the program's philosophy; the program of study, the graduate advisory committee, the dissertation process, graduation requirements, teaching responsibilities, graduate assistantships; travel reimbursement policy, LSU policies and additional resources.
Guidelines for Thesis and Dissertation
The Guidelines for Theses and Dissertations is a handbook provided by the Graduate School that gives instructions on how to prepare, format and submit your document. When you are ready to prepare your manuscript for submission, complete the these steps in order.
Thesis and Dissertation Database
The LSU Dissertations and Theses collections provide digital access and preservation of the full text of works submitted by LSU graduate students between 2001 and the present. Some works are embargoed at the request of the students. While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
MMC Professional Project Archive
A professional project is suggested for students who wish to pursue an industry job following their graduate program. Projects include public relations campaigns, social media campaigns, journalism communication strategy or other campaigns focused on communication. The MMC Professional Project Archive includes some previous students' projects to view as examples.
MMC Professional Project Guidelines
The professional project is designed as an alternative to the thesis for those master's degree students who have consciously structured their programs to develop their skills in preparation for careers in some mass communication disciplines.
View Professional Project Guide
Comprehensive Exam Guidelines
The Master’s Comprehensive Examination consists of a written examination, followed by an oral examination (defense). It is to be taken by students only after all course work is completed (or at the end of their last semester).
IRB Applications
The role of the LSU IRB is to facilitate research, protect research participants, and comply with all research regulations. Institutional review boards (IRBs) oversee research involving humans by health care, academic, governmental and other agencies and organizations.
Graduate Calendar
Want to plan ahead? The LSU Graduate School displays its academic calendar by semester for you to plan for the future.
Publish Your Work
For students interested in publishing their research, below is a list of top academic conferences and journals in the field of mass communication by area of research.
General Mass Communication
- Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (AEJMC)
- International Communication Association (ICA)
- National Communication Association (NCA)
- Academy of American Advertising (AAA)
Public Relations
- International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC)
- Broadcast Education Association (BEA)
Political Communication/Science
- American Political Science Association
- Midwest Political Science Association
- Southern Political Science Association
- American Association of Public Opinion Research
- International Society of Political Psychology
Media Law/History
- American Journalism Historians Association
- Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression
- Journal of Communication
- Communication Research
- Communication Theory
- Mass Communication & Society
New and Emerging Media-Oriented
- Computer in Human Behavior
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- New Media & Society
- Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Health Communication
- Journal of Health Communication
- Health Communication
- Health Communication Science Digest
- The American Journal of Public Health
International Communication
- International Journal of Communication
- International Communication Gazette
Science Communication
- Science Communication
Sports Communication
- Journal of Sport Management
- International Journal of Sport Communication
- Sport Marketing Quarterly
- International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
- Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Advertising Research
- International Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Interactive Advertising
- Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
Media Law
- Communication Law & Policy
- Journal of Media Law & Ethics
- First Amendment Studies
Media History
- American Journalism
- Journalism History
- Media History
- Southeastern Review of Journalism History
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
- Journalism Practice
- Journalism
- Newspaper Research Journal
- Journal of Broadcast & Electronic Media
Public Relations
- Journal of Public Relations Research
- Public Relations Review
- Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
- Journal of Communication Management
- International Journal of Strategic Communication
Political Communication
- Political Communication
- Public Opinion Quarterly
- Political Behavior
- Political Psychology
- Journal of Information, Technology, & Politics
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research
Political Science
- American Political Science Review
- American Journal of Political Science
- Journal of Politics
- Political Research Quarterly
- American Politics Research
- Research & Politics
- Political Science Research & Methods
- British Journal of Political Science