
Headshot, Laura LindsayLaura Lindsay

Professor Emerita


Professor Emerita Laura Lindsay retired as founding dean of the LSU College of Human Sciences and Education in 2013. She has served in higher education administration for more than 36 years as dean, executive director, vice provost, interim vice chancellor and executive assistant to the chancellor. In addition to her administrative experience, Dr. Lindsay taught courses in public relations, public communication practices, media management, and a special topics course on the historical and cultural context of mass communication in the United Kingdom. She has been awarded $1,000,000 in federal and state grants and was the principal investigator for creating an interactive telecommunication link among five LSU System campuses for delivery of academic courses and degree programs. As dean of the College of Human Sciences, she played a major role in the implementation of online master’s degree programs.

Selected Publications

Treasures of LSU. Ed. by Laura F. Lindsay. Baton Rouge, LA: LSU Press, 2010, 210 pages.

Raspberry, Robert W. and Laura Lemoine Lindsay, Effective Managerial Communication, 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1994, 688 pages.

Lemoine, Laura F., A History of Radio Station WSMB, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1925-1967. Thesis, 51Âţ»­, Radio Hawaii, Inc., 166 pages.

Mogensen, Kirsten, Laura F. Lindsay, Xigen Li, Jay Perkins, and Mike Beardsley, “How TV News Covered the Crisis: The Content of CNN, CBS, ABC and FOX News on 9/11,” pp. 101-120. In B. Greenberg (Ed.), Communication and Terrorism, New Jersey: Hampton Press, 2002.

Lindsay, Laura F., Reinventing Post-Secondary Institutional Evaluation: The Accreditation Review Project. Journal of Global Competitiveness, 9:1, 2001, pp. 245-253.

Lindsay, Laura F., Crisis Communication at LSU: The Wynn Tragedy. eds. Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, 8, 2001, pp. 633-637.

Lindsay, Laura F. LSU’s Balancing Act: A Policy Analysis of Enrollment Management Initiatives, Planning for Higher Education: The Journal of the Society for College and University Planning, 29:3, 2001, 29-34.

Lindsay, Laura F., Distance Learning from a Policy Perspective: Creating an Effective Educational Structure, eds. Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, Business Research Yearbook, 2000, pp. 812-816.

Lindsay, Laura F., Transforming Inputs to Improve Outputs: Using a Systems Perspective to Assess Enrollment Management, eds. Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, Business Research Yearbook, 2000, pp. 399-403.

Cangelosi, Vincent E. and Laura F. Lemoine, "Effects of an Open Versus Closed Physical Environment on Employee Perception and Attitude," Social Behavior and Personality, 16, 1988, pp. 67-73.

Recordings: Media Scripts and Productions

Lemoine, Laura F., David Hull, Ed Dodd, and Lane Barry, "Catch the LSU Fever," LSU Freshman Convocation Media Production, 1985 and 1986.