
Ray Pingree

Ray Pingree

Professor, Doris Westmoreland Darden Professor
207 Hodges | (225) 578-9296 | rpingree@lsu.edu | CV


Ray Pingree’s research asks how political communication could make democracy work better in terms of prioritizing and solving real problems. He studies dysfunctions in our national discussion such as treating politics as a mere game or competition, too little accountability for dishonesty, and prioritization of issues that favors the sensational and is rarely proactive. His experiments on these dysfunctions aim to find points of leverage that could improve our national discussion either through changes in media or changes in media literacy of the audience.

Selected Publications

Pingree, R. J., Brossard, D. & McLeod, D. M. (in press). Effects of journalistic adjudication on factual beliefs, news evaluations, information seeking, and epistemic political efficacy. Mass Communication & Society.

Pingree, R. J., & Stoycheff, E. (2013). Differentiating Cueing from Reasoning in Agenda Setting Effects. Journal of Communication, 63(5), 852-872. 

Pingree, R. J., Quenette, A. M., Tchernev, J., & Dickinson, T. (2013). Effects of media criticism on gatekeeping trust and implications for agenda setting. Journal of Communication, 63(2), 351-372. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12016
Pingree, R. J., Hill, M., & McLeod, D. M. (2013). Distinguishing Effects of Game Framing and Journalistic Adjudication on Cynicism and Epistemic Political Efficacy. Communication Research, 40(2), 193-214.

Pingree, R. J., Scholl, R. M., & Quenette, A. M. (2012). Effects of Post-Debate Coverage on Spontaneous Policy Reasoning. Journal of Communication, 62, 643-658.

Pingree, R. J. (2011). Effects of unresolved factual disputes in the news on epistemic political efficacy. Journal of Communication, 61, 22-47.  

Pingree, R. J. (2007). How Messages Affect their Senders: A More General Model of Message Effects and Implications for Deliberation. Communication Theory, 17, 439-461.