
Lance Porter

Lance Porter

Director, Social Media Analysis and Creation Lab; Class of 1941 Alumni Professor | 201C Hodges Hall | 225-578-7377 | lporter@lsu.edu | CV


Lance Porter is the Class of 1941 Alumni Professor and the founding director of the . Porter has focused on digital media since 1995, when he built his first commercial website. Before coming to LSU, Porter spent four years as executive director of digital marketing for Disney’s film studio. His research focuses on emerging media and power. He holds a joint appointment with LSU’s interdisciplinary Center for Computation and Technology (CCT), where he is the area lead in the cultural computing focus area. 

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Selected Publications

Oden, A., & Porter, L. (2023). The Kids Are Online: Teen Social Media Use, Civic Engagement, and Affective Polarization. Social Media + Society, 9(3).

Ke, J., Porter, L., Wang, R., Kim, S.-W. & Johnson, M. (2022). Pundits, Presenters and Promoters: Investigating Gaps in Digital Production among Social Media Users Using Self-Reported and Behavioral Measures. First Monday, 27(12). . 

Jiang, K., Li, R., Porter, L. & Wang, R. (2022). Investigating Types of Second Screeners and Their Social Media Behaviors. Journal of Communication Technology, 5(2), 1-29.

Benigni, V., & Porter, L. (2022). A Crisis of Cool: Baseball’s Race Against Time. In Jin, Y. and Austin, L. (Eds.) Social Media and Crisis Communication (pp. 314-318). New York: Routledge. 

Benigni, V. & Porter, L. (2022). Commodities of the Coaching Carousel in the Southeastern Conference: Twitter and the Nick Saban Effect. In Osborne, A and Coombs, D. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sports Fans and Fandom. New York: Routledge.

Henderson, M., Jiang, K, Johnson, M. & Porter, L. (2021). Measuring Twitter Use: Validating Survey-Based Measures, Social Science Computer Review, 39(6), 1121-1141. . 

Windels, K. & Porter, L. (2020). Examining Consumers’ Recognition of Native and Banner Advertising on News Website Homepages. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20 (1) 1-16. . 

Jarreau PB, Cancellare IA, Carmichael BJ, Porter, L, Toker D, Yammine SZ (2019). Using selfies to challenge public stereotypes of scientists. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216625. . 
Windels, K., Heo, J., Jeong, Y., Porter, L. & Wang, R. (2018). My Friend Likes This Brand: Do Ads with Social Context Attract More Attention on Social Networking Sites? Computers in Human Behavior. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.02.036
Crosswell, L. & Porter, L. (2018). Politics, Propaganda, and Public Health, Lanham: Lexington Books.

Brown, P. & Porter, L. (2017). Science in the Social Media Age: Profiles of Science Blog Readers. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/1077699016685558.

Crosswell, L., Porter, L. & Sanders, M. (2017). Out of Sight, Out of Mind?: Addressing Unconscious Brand Awareness in Healthcare Communication. In O’Hair, D. (Ed.) Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment, New York: Routledge.

Madison, T., Porter, L. and Greule, A. (2016). The Parasocial Compensation Hypothesis. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 35(3), 258-279.