
Vision & Mission 


The Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) will assist in moving LSU up to a new level of excellence. OSI will actively focus on action steps that will support the educational research and scholarly productivity of faculty and the quality and competitiveness of our graduate and undergraduate students. Our vision is to become a nationally recognized innovator in developing successful educational models that integrate mentoring and research and that also support efforts to improve campus engagement, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.


The Office of Strategic Initiatives will develop and implement programs that are designed to increase engagement, foster opportunities for discovery, collaborate on improving the campus learning community for all students, and promote community engagement.

Specifically, OSI will

  • Assist the university in recruiting academically gifted high school and community college students into its undergraduate degree programs;
  • Assist LSU students and faculty in the receipt of major national/external awards and in increasing the national and international recognition of the university;
  • Support the academic success of students through structured mentoring and research programs;
  • Assist the university in attracting more undergraduate and graduate students from under-represented groups into the university;
  • Assist in increasing the enrollment and graduation rate of motivated Ph.D. students in STEM disciplines;
  • Provide support to graduate students and teachers.