
About Upward Bound

The LSU Upward Bound Program is a FREE college preparatory program for eligible 9-12 graders. Participants receive academic advising, tutoring, college and career counseling, social and cultural enrichment, opportunities to visit college campuses, and much more! Upward Bound is here to provide participants with the keys to unlock their full academic potential and help them make their dreams a reality.

The Upward Bound Program offers several opportunities to engage our participants:

Academic Year Saturday Academy

Students participating in the program must attend 24 Saturday sessions on LSU’s campus during the academic school year.  Saturday Academy sessions will include supplemental instruction, workshops, group dynamics/team building, tutoring, test preparation, academic counseling, mentoring, campus tours, assessment, and much more.


Six-Week Summer Program

Rising 10th-12th graders already participating in Upward Bound will attend a six-week summer program on LSU’s campus.  Five-weeks of the program will consist of classes to prepare students for the upcoming year.  Interactive learning activities are held on and off of LSU’s campus to provide students with a unique hands-on learning experience. Field trips, activities, and campus tours are designed to provide students with first-rate cultural and educational experiences.  Along with instruction, test preparation, and enriching activities, students will be provided with mentors, academic advising, scholarship search and application assistance, help understanding the college environment, and anything else that would ease their journey into college.

The sixth-week of the Summer Program is set aside for an enriching cultural and educational experience. It is often an out-of-state trip for the students that have shown progress and active participation.


Summer Bridge

The Summer Bridge program is a chance for graduating seniors to earn college credit.  Scholarships are available for Upward Bound students to attend LSU in summer upon eligibility.  Summer Bridge students will be provided full support in getting a head start in earning their first six hours of college credit.  Tutoring, mentoring, academic advising, and financial literacy will be made available throughout Summer Bridge.