About PDC
The Planning, Design & Construction (PDC) department provides a comprehensive campus planning function that encompasses all facets of physical campus planning. PDC exercises planning oversight for space utilization, interior renovations, parking, streets and non-LSU entity developments on campus. The combination of master and site development planning; interiors and space planning; capital and long range planning and plan archiving is the responsibility of the planning division.
Design & Construction
Design and Construction Services utilizing both in-house craftsman and professional designers, as well as outside contractors and design firms, provides the University with broad range of services including: small individual room design, office reconfigurations & renovations, large department renovations, classroom renovations, lab renovations, new buildings, and other miscellaneous renovations & construction projects.
Requests for these services follow Permanent Memorandum & Policy Statements PM-60, PS-84 & PS-23.
Space Management
Space Inventory is maintained and updated by the LSU Office of Facility Services Planning, Design & Construction department and is governed by Permanent Memorandum PM-42.
51Âþ» utilizes a database to maintain and update space inventory. PDC currently updates the database throughout the year. Recognized space inventory changes are reported either by departments or through campus construction projects that PDC oversees.
LSU provides an annual report to the Louisiana Board of Regents as required by the Louisiana Constitution. The Louisiana Board of Regents annually analyzes space and utilization data received from all of Louisiana’s Public Higher Education institutions. Utilization data for teaching space, classrooms and class laboratories, is compared against established benchmarks among the 4-year and 2-year institutions.