
Fall 2015 | Colloquia & Seminars Archives

Colloquia & Seminars

Fall 2015

Date Title of Talk Speaker Speaker's Institution Host

Sept. 3

"The Dark Energy Survey and Gravitational Waves"
Center for Particle Astrophysics/Fermilab Gabriela Gonzalez

Sept. 10

"Recoverability in Quantum Information Theory"
Mark Wilde LSU Jon Dowling

Sept. 17

"What does localization mean in interacting systems?"
Trent University Juana Moreno

Sept. 24

"Habitable Zones and the Occurence of Potential Habitable Planets in our Galaxy"
Goddard Space Flight Center Juhan Frank
Oct. 1 "Complex wave vector band structure for quantum transport"
University of Florida Rongying Jin

Oct. 8


Oct. 14
at 5:00 PM
in Nicholson 130

Hearne Eminent Lecture Series
"Black Holes in General Relativity"
Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Iván Agullo and Parampreet Singh

Oct. 15

Hearne Eminent Lecture Series
"Black Holes and Information Loss"
Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Iván Agullo and Parampreet Singh

Oct. 22

"Quantum correlations and entanglement in the presence of dispersive media"
Tulane University Mark Wilde
Oct. 29 Fall Holiday

Nov. 5

"A new channel towards the explosion of type ia supernovae"
Wisconsin/Torino Brad Schaefer

Nov. 11
at 5:00 PM
in Nicholson 130


Goodrich Distinguished Lecture Series

"Taking the King's Shilling: From studying nuclear terrorism at LSU to briefing the Queen of England"
Prof. Emeritus of Science & Security, Kings College London Mike Cherry & Ed Zganjar

Nov. 12

Goodrich Distinguished Lecture Series
"Dissecting the Nuclear Accord with Iran: Goals, Physics, Policy, Politics and Where the West Went Wrong"
Prof. Emeritus of Science & Security, Kings College London Mike Cherry & Ed Zganjar



"Walter Kohn and the Creation of Density Functional Theory" Georgia Tech Ward Plummer
Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec. 3

"Measuring the Spins of Accreting Black Holes" Harvard University Gabriela Gonzalez